Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was recently arrested in Paris upon landing from a private jet coming from Azerbaijan. The 39-year-old billionaire, who is Russian-born, was arrested at Le Bourget airport for reasons that are yet to be disclosed. In response to this incident, Telegram has issued a statement asserting that Durov has “nothing to hide” and that it is unjust to hold the owner of the platform accountable for any misuse that may occur.
Telegram, a messaging and social media platform known for its focus on privacy and security, has grown in popularity in recent years. However, it has also faced scrutiny for being used by various groups for spreading misinformation and coordinating unlawful activities.
The arrest of Durov has raised questions about the responsibility of tech companies and their owners in regulating the content shared on their platforms. While Telegram maintains that Durov is not to blame for any misuse of the platform, the incident serves as a reminder of the complex challenges faced by social media companies in navigating issues of privacy, security, and freedom of speech.
As investigations into the circumstances surrounding Durov’s arrest continue, it remains to be seen how this incident will impact the future of Telegram and the broader tech industry. The situation underscores the importance of striking a balance between protecting user privacy and ensuring accountability for harmful content on online platforms.
Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English
Video “Durov has ‘nothing to hide’, says Telegram after France arrest • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
For sale freedom of speech
Welcome to North France
But "je suis Charlie"
Such is the famous "liberty"!
If you don’t know about telegram it’s almost like dark web. You will find all kind of creepy chat groups that involves lot of horrible things. If you have a kid with smartphone make sure they don’t have this app. It has absolutely no sensor for anything…….
Telegram is the main communication Messenger in Russian Army. Any other questions? Well done France. Durov refused to block hundreds of Russian Z-bloggers who call for genocide of Ukranian people. Shut him down.
The government make up dumb excuse to arrest him
We want privacy people, we want freedom
“Where countries that have lot of censorship “. You mean like France 😂😂. Good video by the way.
As already known EU, France, UK against free speech. I want US out of NATO since Europe,UK, Canada are so oppressive.
so then we must arrest fb , whatsapp ceo s as well for censorship.
Shame on France! Who criticized Russia in the past ?
Can france withstand a boycott from a billion angry users?
If Macron hasn’t done enough for fighting corruption or thefts or violence in the country, so where’s he?! Or these security agencies have revealed and investigated all the crimes done in Paris hmmm …
If he's accused of not doing enough to stop 'terrorists' & peado's then all prime ministers, presidents, managers etc all need arresting as well as they have not done enough to stop it either 🤷🏼
Still is the guy not a WEF member?
His service has powerful encryption. Thats a crime nowadays.
What? Fsb,gru have shares in TG ,they financing fab and this is main disinformation platform in post soviet area and also global
Can't the girl-presenters calm their hair down – it's not a catwalk …
The real question should be, is there any chance that Durov has given himself in voluntarly?
It feels very unfair to me that he should be held so completely accountable for what are basically the deeds of others. His capacity of moderation can only reach so far, which is not the same as negligence or wilful enablement. You cannot hold an internet provided accountable for the misdeeds of others, then can you do so for a "communication provider" via an app? It would be unreasonable.
First they ruined the Olympics for everyone, and now this?!
It's not really end-to-end by default, you have to start a secret conversation to do that.
Another exhibition of Western "democratic" values
I don't know who this Juli Sieger is, but she's one of the most eloquent people explaining things I've seen in a news cast.
Nothing to hide, the entire Telegram thing is about things to hide 😂
Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default. Most of the content on Telegram is not encrypted in this way and can technically be accessed by Telegram. It is an important point. I wish these details were more widely reported on.
lock him up
Russian bots and their minions are working full time:))
Durov defected, face it :)))
After Olimpic fail Im not surprised anymore
Moore Ronald Walker Ruth Brown Karen
Seems like Abuse of power by the state. Why should a party collaborate with the state. France is wrong.
Excuse me, is the postal service liable when criminals send letters to each other planning crimes, or mailing drugs??
Telegram is neither E2EE nor open source, get serious!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@France24_en so France can arrest it's own citizen without due process of law?
He's been arrested because he's for FREEDOM & TRUTH !! & God knows that's pretty dangerous on these days 🤬
so in a nutshell he has been accused of being loyal towards his users. 😂😂
the group chats are not encrypted
He has been arrested for failing to censor content or divulge user information. Governments hate it when they cannot control the narrative or information dissemination.
So if someone uses an iPhone to do a drug deal because they are secure…. is apple liable? I wouldn't think so.