“Ten Cents A Dance” is a classic film starring Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, and Sally Blane. Directed by Lionel Barrymore and written by Jo Swerling, this movie follows the story of a dance hall hostess who falls for a wealthy man, but struggles with her feelings as she attempts to climb the social ladder. With emotive performances by Stanwyck, Cortez, and Blane, this film explores themes of love, class, and ambition in a captivating and emotional manner. Set against a backdrop of the glamorous 1930s, “Ten Cents A Dance” is a must-watch for fans of classic cinema and romantic dramas.
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Video “Ten Cents A Dance FULL MOVIE | (Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Sally Blane) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 05/27/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
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