Tens of thousands rally after French President Macron selects a center-right Prime Minister

Tens of thousands rally after French President Macron selects a center-right Prime Minister

Mass protests have erupted across France following French President Emmanuel Macron’s selection of Michel Barnier, a center-right politician, as the new Prime Minister. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets to voice their opposition to Barnier’s appointment.

Critics of Macron’s decision argue that Barnier, a member of the Les Republicains party, does not align with the progressive values that Macron’s En Marche party stands for. They fear that Barnier’s appointment could signal a shift towards more conservative policies and away from the centrist platform that Macron has championed.

The protests have underscored the deep divisions within French politics and the dissatisfaction among many citizens with the current government. Many protesters are calling for Macron to reconsider his choice and appoint a Prime Minister who better represents the values of the En Marche party.

As the demonstrations continue to grow in size and intensity, it remains to be seen how Macron will respond to the mounting pressure. The appointment of Barnier has clearly struck a nerve with many French citizens, and the protests are a stark reminder of the challenges that lie ahead for Macron’s administration.

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Video “Tens of thousands rally after French President Macron picks a center-right Prime Minister | DW News” was uploaded on 09/07/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News