The 20 Most Intelligent Horror Movie Characters – Video

The 20 Most Intelligent Horror Movie Characters – Video

Are you smarter than these horror movie survivors? WatchMojo has compiled a list of the top 20 smartest horror movie characters that have displayed a high degree of intelligence throughout their respective films. From Nancy Thompson in “A Nightmare on Elm Street” to Ellen Ripley in “Alien,” these characters have outwitted monsters, killers, and creatures with their quick thinking and resourcefulness.

Each character showcased unique skills and abilities that set them apart from the rest, from using homemade weapons to outsmarting their adversaries. Whether it’s Sarah in “The Descent” taking on a horde of creatures or Ash in the “Evil Dead” trilogy literally turning his arm into a chainsaw, these characters have shown that intelligence is often the key to survival in the face of horror.

So, what would you have done if you were in their shoes? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to check out these other horror-centric videos from WatchMojo for more scares and thrills. And remember, stay sharp, stay smart, and stay alive.

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Video “Top 20 Smartest Horror Movie Characters” was uploaded on 04/29/2024 to Youtube Channel