The 30 Most Surprising SNL Cameos – Video

The 30 Most Surprising SNL Cameos – Video

SNL has seen some incredible cameos over the years, from musicians to actors, and even political figures. From Daniel Craig auditioning for Prince to Barry Gibb hosting a talk show, these unexpected appearances have left audiences laughing and surprised. One notable moment was when Barack Obama made a deadpan cameo at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Halloween party back in 2007, showcasing his dry sense of humor even before becoming President.

But perhaps one of the most memorable moments was when Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci made a surprise appearance on the Joe Pesci show sketch, staying true to their iconic on-screen personas. The incredible chemistry between these two veteran actors brought the house down and left everyone in awe.

From Madonna and Barbara Streisand sharing a moment on stage to Larry David’s spot-on Bernie Sanders impression, these SNL cameos have provided some of the show’s most memorable moments. Which surprising SNL cameo is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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Video “Top 30 Most Surprising SNL Cameos” was uploaded on 04/21/2024 to Youtube Channel