The Black Book, a gripping historical thriller set during the French Revolution, follows the story of Charles D’Aubigny (played by Robert Cummings), a man tasked with bringing down the corrupt dictatorship of Robespierre (Richard Basehart). Exiled to Austria, D’Aubigny must assume the identity of Robespierre’s prosecutor in order to access a crucial black book containing the names of his enemies. With the help of opposition leader François Barras (Richard Hart) and his former lover Madelon (Arlene Dahl), D’Aubigny embarks on a dangerous mission to find the black book and save France from tyranny. Directed by Anthony Mann and featuring a stellar cast including Wilton Graff, The Black Book is a must-watch for fans of French Revolution noir films.
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Video “The Black Book | FREE MOVIE (Robert Cummings, Arlene Dahl)” was uploaded on 01/01/2025 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Robert Cummings did a good job, but it's been said that Tyrone Power should play the lead in this movie. I agree.
I seen this years ago on the free to wear TV channel in Australia. It’s a very very good movie.
This is a very far-fetched Western melodrama in a different historical setting, which is still rather enjoyable.
Script flaw though politics within male club is true, dictatorship doesn’t ever involve public they just go ahead and do under their complete control what they want to
True to form of what is happening today.
Too bad people stand for such suffrage and lies told by one person and the others that follow.
Thank you for the movie ❤
I love and stand with truth and justice.
Apropos ending.
Excellent history movie and excellent performances by all vintage actors. Extremely enjoyable to watch. Let not the bad part of history repeat itself at present times in the US.