The cost of nuclear deterrence in a new world order

The cost of nuclear deterrence in a new world order

As tensions continue to rise among the world’s nuclear powers, the cost of nuclear deterrence in the new world order is becoming increasingly apparent. Last year, all nine of the world’s nuclear powers increased their spending on atomic weapons, reversing a decades-long trend of decreasing the number of nuclear warheads.

The resurgence of interest in nuclear weapons comes as geopolitical alliances shift and conflicts escalate, prompting nuclear powers to reevaluate their stockpiles. China, in particular, has been rapidly building up its nuclear arsenal, raising concerns in the United States about potential nuclear alliances with Russia and North Korea.

This increase in nuclear spending has raised doubts about the US’s ability to protect its allies in the event of a nuclear conflict. The potential for a new nuclear arms race looms large as countries continue to invest in expanding their nuclear capabilities.

As the world navigates this precarious new world order, the implications of increased nuclear deterrence spending are sure to reverberate across the global stage. The international community must grapple with the shifting dynamics of nuclear power and strive to maintain peace and stability in an increasingly uncertain world.

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Video “The cost of nuclear deterrence in a new world order | DW Business” was uploaded on 08/23/2024 to Youtube Channel DW News