Geoduck clams are known for their unique flavor and distinct phallic shape, but what really sets them apart is their hefty price tag of up to $30 per pound. The geoduck industry in British Columbia is a lucrative one, valued at $55 million, with a majority of sales coming from China. However, with China’s economy slowing down, there is concern that the geoduck industry could potentially lose its biggest market.
The demand for geoducks, especially in Chinese cuisine, has been a driving force behind the high prices. This gourmet delicacy is considered a luxury item in many parts of the world, leading to its premium cost. The difficulty in harvesting geoducks, which involves diving deep into the ocean to manually dig them out, also contributes to the high price point.
Despite the potential risk to the geoduck industry due to China’s slowing economy, there are efforts being made to expand the market and find new buyers. Whether through marketing campaigns or exploring new culinary trends, the industry is looking for ways to sustain its profitability and continue to thrive in the face of challenges.
In conclusion, the expensive nature of geoducks can be attributed to their unique taste, high demand in certain markets, and challenging harvesting process. While there may be concerns about the industry’s reliance on China as a major market, there are ongoing efforts to diversify and protect the future of the geoduck industry.
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Video “Why Geoducks Are So Expensive | So Expensive | Business Insider” was uploaded on 03/08/2025 to Youtube Channel Business Insider
It’s delicious 🤤
And Of course size matters
Anyone who eats these is mad sus🤨
i think women like this
Am I on OnlyClams
That's a penis
Proof, God is a funny guy!
D1CK !
Is that SHAQS DING DONG😂😂😂😂😂😂….
oh gooey duck~~~
This proves that it's not just certain female parts that can be clickbait.
I’m so immature 😭😭
The only damn clam to make you insecure as a man.
It's look like a dxxx
I bet the dude who found out that this was edible was gay.
-change my mind.
Feelin like glorilla right now "what thats a real animal?"
Based chef 🥱
Naaaa that thumbnail is crazy
If you are getting the bends then it means you arnt paying attention to your dive computer
Most requested food by women
9:34 you know what? Thats what i like too 😂
Seems like Chinese people in general are all about the penis envy. Anything that's supposedly for the penis and anything that looks like penis they will buy. Again not talking about individuals, but as a general market.
This isn't what it looks like got me🤣🤣
I dont eat seafood. I dont know why i thought Geoduck was found inear the shore in the sand.
The divers have a dangerous job to find geoduck.
When i was a teen, the brother of a boy i knew died of the bends from his dive.
don't like how it looks
not gunna put that in my mouth
That's a thick one
Geodude + Psyduck = this
It taste pretty good. I got a good sushi spot near me and I always order it.
i pronounce geoduck the same way i pronounce geology, and i'll die on that hill
I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% annually in dividend returns. any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated…
i needed a minute to process the thumbnail
Finding out the proper way to enjoy them via sashimi or congi was a huge game changer in their value.