The Deadly Journeys: Venezuela’s Curse of Black Gold – Video

The Deadly Journeys: Venezuela’s Curse of Black Gold – Video

In just a few years, Venezuela has gone from being the richest country in South America to one of the poorest. In front of gas stations, Venezuelan drivers have to wait hours, sometimes days, to hope to fill their tanks even though the country has the world’s largest oil reserves.
Brother Nelson braves mountain trails to distribute essential foodstuffs to Indian communities. In the Andes, Chucho supports his entire village thanks to barter and his 4X4.
On Lake Maracaibo, fishermen helplessly watch the contamination of the water by abandoned oil wells while they no longer have the means to buy fuel for their boats.
Directors: Antonin MARCEL; Frédéric ELHORGA

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Video “Venezuela, the Curse of the Black Gold | Deadliest Journeys” was uploaded on 08/01/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary