Saddam Hussein’s arsenal of “weapons of mass destruction” was George W. Bush’s main justification for waging war against Iraq in 2003. After the invasion of the country, American leaders recognized that they had been mistaken, and that the Baghdad tyrant did not possess such a capability. Bush claimed it was an error and defended his good faith despite the fact the invasion was based on lies.
Director: Jacques Charmelot
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Iraq, the War of Deception” was uploaded on 07/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
بوركت جهودكم
Knowing now….
We just kept making haters of America
Ich hasse Amerika das ist Krebs Geschwür für die Menschheit
Abaixo ao imperialismo americano, socialismo já!
Türkçe dublaj da paylasın artık lütfen!
Une imposture qui a coûté des millions de vies dont les pays impliqués, les soldats US qui s'en sont sorti souffrent de PTSD les autres se sont suicidé, ce sont des putains de conséquences. Pour leurs administrations, ils sont à peine des chiffres sur le plan humain, c'est immonde.
مايحدث في العراق هو بسبب امريكا اللعينة
ما اشبه اليوم في البارحه بدأ المغول بالهجوم على دول الشرق الأدنى ثم اباد بغداد عن آخرها وكانت نهايته في الشرق الاوسط وبالتحديد بعين جالوت والتي هي بفلسطين وهذا ما تقوم به امريكا والغرب اليوم تحت مسمى محاربة الارهاب وكأن التاريخ يعيد نفسه
Finally sunned after watching 4-5 documentaries on this channel
Los verdaderamente peligrosos pa la civilización Humana son los Gobernantes gringos ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Je comprends pourquoi la Corée du Nord a cherché à tout prix à avoir des bombe 💣 atomique …on verra bien qui décidera dans un bureau d'attaquer leur pays 😢
What about the KKK terrorists here in the U.S,
Axes of evil….Bush-Cheney-Rumsfelt
What if bin laden wasnt a bad guy but got ahold of secret USA government information and was threatening to leak it, so the president put a hit out on him and covered all that up by telling everyone he was just a terrorist
Both Republicans and Democrats came out as winners in this war; neither side was truly interested in avoiding it. All of the United States' enemies, conflicts, and terrorist attacks they have faced were caused by the American government itself—by its politicians and its international interference policies, which have always aimed to control foreign territories, exploit natural resources in those places, and dominate global geopolitics.
The real culprit behind all these tragedies the American people have suffered is the United States itself! And these tragedies have always been used as a pretext to justify further international interference and control, aiming for the American government's benefit.
They are scoundrels!
Terörist ABD !
Koho ještě zajima fašisticka Amerika omg všichni víme co je tenhle stat zač koho zajímá kdybi nebyli nikdo bi neřešil
A dnes…jak přes kopírák. Republikáni vyhráli volby a Trump už první den kdy je prezident mluví o Grónsku a mexické kartely zařadil na seznam teroristů. To znamená, že může vyslat armádu za hranice Mexika. Mexický záliv už je na Google mapách americký a tak dále 😁 A abych byl fér a nebyl jen proti Americe….Rusko dělá to samé.
Pořád jsem čekal kdy zazní podle autora dokumentu jaký byk tedy důvod a nic 🤔🤷 Odpověď ropa… po zjištění, že tam ropu těží ruský Gazprom a Lukoil a to i za přítomnosti US vojáků… byla smetena ze stolu. Takze proč?
شكرا لكم على الدبلجة
An occupied great Country is fighting wars for the Sake of a Fake Country…( This has been the Main plan all along …The rest is all unnecessary noise to distract the masses ).
Basically our government wanted 9/11 to happen knew it was going to happen but did nothing because of course what else the all evil dollar
Amerika yang menyusahkan umat manusia di Dunia.mereka toriris nyata
Ano,typikuš ušaci