“Army Dog” is a heartwarming family comedy centered around Army Sergeant Tom Holloway and his loyal bomb-sniffing dog, Conner. Together, they have faced countless wars and battles, forging an unbreakable bond along the way.
Directed by Ezra Kemp, this film stars Josh Kelly as Sergeant Tom Holloway, alongside his furry co-star, Conner. Written by Andrew Aspengren, “Army Dog” is filled with humor, action, and heartfelt moments as the pair navigate the challenges they encounter in their line of duty.
As they embark on their latest mission, Sergeant Holloway and Conner must rely on each other to overcome obstacles and save the day. With a talented cast and a touching storyline, “Army Dog” is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
Watch the video by Cinéfilm
Video “Army Dog (Family, Comedy) Full Movie” was uploaded on 09/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm
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