The Fascination with Violence: Exploring Our Curiosity | Helen Fields | TEDxBratislava – Video

The Fascination with Violence: Exploring Our Curiosity | Helen Fields | TEDxBratislava – Video

Violence has always been a captivating, yet disturbing, aspect of human nature. In the TEDxBratislava video titled “Why are we fascinated by violence? / Prečo nás fascinuje násilie?” Helen Fields delves into this complex topic, exploring the psychological reasons behind our fascination with violence.

Fields begins by acknowledging that violence is a pervasive theme in our society, from entertainment to news headlines. She suggests that our fascination with violence may stem from its primal roots, as it was a necessary survival mechanism for early humans. Additionally, Fields discusses how the media sensationalizes violence, leading to desensitization and a distorted view of reality.

Throughout the talk, Fields challenges viewers to reflect on their own relationship with violence and encourages them to seek out healthier forms of entertainment and self-expression. By dissecting the societal influences that perpetuate our fascination with violence, Fields offers valuable insights into human behavior and urges us to question our instinctual responses to this dark facet of humanity.

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Author Video Description

[SK] Autorka temných krimi románov a bývalá advokátka nám poodhalí korene a dôsledky ľudskej fascinácie násilím a utrpením.

[EN] The author of dark crime novels and a former lawyer reveals the roots and consequences of human fascination with violence and suffering. [SK] Helen Fields, bývalá advokátka v trestnom a rodinnom práve, premenila svoje bohaté 15-ročné skúsenosti na kariéru spisovateľky kriminálnych románov. Ponúka čitateľom a čitateľkám fascinujúci vhľad do mysle zločincov a zároveň zachytáva nuansy právneho systému. Jej knihy sú nielen napínavé, ale aj obohacujúce, pretože odhaľujú komplexitu ľudskej psychiky a súdnych procesov. Spolu sa predalo viac ako milión kópií jej kníh. Dnes je uznávanou autorkou 12 temných kriminálnych románov.

[EN] Helen Fields, a former criminal and family law attorney, has transformed her extensive 15-year experience into a career as a crime novelist. She offers readers a fascinating insight into the minds of criminals while capturing the nuances of the legal system. Her books are not only thrilling but also enriching, as they reveal the complexities of human psychology and court proceedings. More than a million copies of her books have been sold. Today, she is a renowned author of 12 dark crime novels. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “Why are we fascinated by violence? / Prečo nás fascinuje násilie? | Helen Fields | TEDxBratislava” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks