“Racing Ace” (original title “Down and Derby”) is a hilarious comedy that takes viewers on a wild ride through the world of suburban dads and their sons’ pinewood derby contest. Directed by Eric Hendershot, known for his work on ‘Clubhouse Detectives’, the film follows a group of everyday guys as they go to extreme lengths to win the competition, leading to chaos and mayhem in their neighborhood.
The movie stars Greg Germann, Lauren Holly, and Pat Morita, who brings their comedic talents to the forefront as the dad’s navigate through backstabbing, cover-ups, and sabotage in their quest for victory. As they become consumed with the race, they neglect their wives, families, and jobs, with hilarious and disastrous consequences.
With subtitles available, “Racing Ace” offers a fun and entertaining viewing experience for the whole family. So buckle up and get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs and excitement as these suburban dads go head-to-head in the ultimate pinewood derby showdown.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Racing Ace (Comedy, Family) Full Movie” was uploaded on 07/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
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