The Future of Transportation: Predicted 80% Decrease in Car Ownership by 2030 – Video

The Future of Transportation: Predicted 80% Decrease in Car Ownership by 2030 – Video

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Predicts that private car ownership in the United States will decline by a staggering 80% by 2030 this means that instead of the 247 million cars we have on the roads today there may be only 44 million cars in the future Clark also envisions a shift towards more affordable and sustainable

Transportation options He suggests that using electric ride sharing services will become much cheaper than buying a new car in 2021 estimating the cost to be 4 to 10 times less expensive families could save up to $5,600 per year by embracing these Services instead of owning a traditional vehicle additionally self-driving cars

Which operate without human drivers are expected to become more prevalent and affordable some companies may even offer free rides in these autonomous vehicles though passengers would have to tolerate occasional advertisements during their Journey

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Video “The Future of Transportatio 80% Decline in Car Ownership by 2030” was uploaded on 02/28/2024 to Youtube Channel The Ultimate Discovery