The growing influence of hedge fund-backed news organizations | The Listening Post

The growing influence of hedge fund-backed news organizations | The Listening Post

In the world of financial journalism, a new player has entered the scene – Hunterbrook Media. Based in New York, this company has gained attention for its unique approach to reporting, known as ‘investigate and trade’. Blurring the lines between journalism and profit-making, Hunterbrook has sparked a debate about the ethics and implications of this model.

William Cohan, editorial advisor at Hunterbrook, Kate Duguid, Capital Markets Correspondent at Financial Times, and Felix Salmon, Chief Financial Correspondent at Axios, provide insight into this controversial trend. As the rise of hedge fund-powered news outlets continues to grow, questions arise about the potential conflicts of interest and the impact on the integrity of journalism.

With the lines between reporting and profit becoming increasingly blurred, the future of financial journalism faces a new set of challenges. Hunterbrook Media is just one example of this evolving landscape, raising important questions about the intersection of journalism and finance.

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Video “The rise of the hedge fund-powered news outlet | The Listening Post” was uploaded on 06/23/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English