The Growing Influence of the Far Right in Germany as a Result of Public Frustration with the Government

The Growing Influence of the Far Right in Germany as a Result of Public Frustration with the Government

The rise of the far-right party AfD in Germany, particularly in eastern states, is a reflection of the growing frustration with the current federal government, according to Thomas Konig, a Professor of political science at the University of Mannheim.

Konig explained that the increasing support for AfD is driven by a sense of dissatisfaction with the status quo and a desire for change. He noted that a majority of voters in these states are supporting a nationalist and new way of politics, which goes against the traditional Western orientation of West Germany post-World War II.

Interestingly, Konig pointed out that both the far-right and the hard left in Germany are aligning themselves with a more pro-Russia stance, advocating for collaboration and peace solutions with Vladimir Putin’s Russia. This shift away from Western alliances and towards Russia is a departure from the post-war principles that have guided German politics for decades.

The upcoming state elections in eastern Germany will provide further insight into the extent of support for the far-right AfD party and the reasons behind its rise in popularity. As tensions and frustrations with the current government continue to simmer, the political landscape in Germany may be in for a significant transformation in the coming years.

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Video “Rise of far right in Germany reflects ‘frustration’ with government • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/01/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English