The Hazardous Practice of Rich Nations Dumping Old Cruise Ships and Oil Tankers in Developing Countries

The Hazardous Practice of Rich Nations Dumping Old Cruise Ships and Oil Tankers in Developing Countries

Gadani, located in Pakistan, is known as the world’s third-biggest shipbreaking hub. However, many ships end up there illegally from rich nations such as Europe, the Middle East, and China. In this video, the issue of international laws being ignored in the shipbreaking industry is examined.

The video is divided into chapters that explore various aspects of shipbreaking in developing countries like Pakistan. It delves into where the workers live, how the ships are broken down, the governing of toxic ship waste, and the loopholes in the law that allow this illegal activity to continue. The documentary also compares Gadani to other shipbreaking countries and discusses the new laws that have been put in place to regulate the industry.

One of the key points highlighted in the video is the cost of getting ships to Gadani for breaking down. This cost factor plays a significant role in determining why rich nations choose to dump their old cruise ships and oil tankers in developing countries, where regulations may not be as stringent.

The presence of metal-recycling factories in Gadani also sheds light on the future of shipbreaking in the region. As the industry continues to grow, the environmental and social impact of these activities on the local communities becomes increasingly important to consider.

Overall, “How Rich Nations Dump Old Cruise Ships And Oil Tankers in Developing Countries | Risky Business” provides a comprehensive look at the risks and consequences associated with the practice of sending ships to developing nations for dismantling. It raises important questions about accountability, environmental sustainability, and worker safety in the global shipbreaking industry.

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Video “How Rich Nations Dump Old Cruise Ships And Oil Tankers in Developing Countries | Risky Business” was uploaded on 03/09/2025 to Youtube Channel Business Insider