The Impact of Equal Pay and Opportunities | Aurélien Joly | TEDxEcublens – Video

The Impact of Equal Pay and Opportunities | Aurélien Joly | TEDxEcublens – Video

In his TEDx talk “The Power of Equal Pay and Equal Opportunities,” Aurélien Joly discusses the importance of gender equality in the workplace. He highlights the significant impact that equal pay and opportunities can have on not only individuals, but also on companies and society as a whole.

Joly emphasizes that when women are paid fairly and given the same opportunities as their male counterparts, it leads to higher employee satisfaction, better productivity, and ultimately, greater success for the organization. He argues that by breaking down gender barriers and creating a level playing field, companies can tap into a larger talent pool and drive innovation.

Furthermore, Joly shares practical steps that companies can take to promote equality, such as implementing transparent pay policies and unconscious bias training. He also stresses the importance of individuals advocating for themselves and standing up for their rights in the workplace.

Overall, Joly’s talk sheds light on the power of equal pay and equal opportunities in creating a more inclusive and successful work environment for everyone involved.

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Author Video Description

What is the intricate relationship between corporate practices and societal values? How do they impact gender equality? It is time to challenge traditional perspectives and assert that gender equality is a collective imperative that resonates with everyone. Throughout their careers, women face numerous barriers, rooted in biases that shape promotion, evaluations, and compensation structures, perpetuating a culture of inequality. Yet, there’s hope. Companies can have a transformative power, capable of reshaping norms and dismantling biases. Businesses can be pioneers for change, driving both organisational success and societal advancement. Embracing gender equality isn’t just good ethics—it’s smart business with far-reaching implications. Aurélien Joly is a dedicated communication professional committed to promoting comprehensive gender equality in the workplace. Currently in charge of the EQUAL-SALARY Foundation communication and serving as a facilitator for the Target Gender Equality Program of the United Nations Global Compact Network Switzerland, Aurélien devotes his efforts to advocating for fair and equitable compensation practices across organisations worldwide. His commitment extends beyond mere words; he actively engages with stakeholders to promote equal pay and equal opportunities for all. With a strong belief in the transformative power of communication, Aurélien strives to create a more inclusive and equitable corporate landscape where diversity is implemented, celebrated and rewarded. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “The Power of Equal Pay and Equal Opportunities | Aurélien Joly | TEDxEcublens” was uploaded on 08/26/2024 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks