The Importance of Builders Over Divisiveness: A TED Talk by Daniel Lubetzky – Video

The Importance of Builders Over Divisiveness: A TED Talk by Daniel Lubetzky – Video

Why the World Needs More Builders — and Less “Us vs. Them” | Daniel Lubetzky | TED

In a world filled with division and hate, Daniel Lubetzky reminds us of the power of builders in his TED talk, “Why the World Needs More Builders — and Less “Us vs. Them”.” Lubetzky challenges the idea of binary thinking, urging us to see issues as all of us versus extremism rather than us versus them. By reframing the narrative, we can shift our focus from blame and conflict to collaboration and problem-solving.

Lubetzky shares his personal journey of building bridges through initiatives like PeaceWorks and Kind, showing how common ground can be found even in the most unlikely places. He emphasizes the importance of a builder’s mindset, based on curiosity, compassion, creativity, and courage, to bring about real change in our communities.

Through his platform, Lubetzky encourages citizens to become builders in their own right, to engage in respectful debate, and to work towards common goals. By sharing stories of resilience and hope, he inspires us to confront hatred and division with kindness and unity.

Ultimately, Lubetzky reminds us that in a world torn apart by conflict, it is up to each one of us to be builders of peace, understanding, and compassion. This TED talk serves as a powerful call to action for all of us to come together and build a brighter future for humanity.

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Video “Why the World Needs More Builders — and Less “Us vs. Them” | Daniel Lubetzky | TED” was uploaded on 05/31/2024 to Youtube Channel TED