“The Importance of Discussing Anxiety in the Workplace | Adam Whybrew | TED” – Video

“The Importance of Discussing Anxiety in the Workplace | Adam Whybrew | TED” – Video

Why You Should Talk About Your Anxiety at Work | Adam Whybrew | TED

In the TED talk “Why You Should Talk About Your Anxiety at Work” by Adam Whybrew, the speaker shares his personal experience with anxiety and depression, and how talking openly about mental health at work can lead to positive outcomes. Adam, a data scientist, emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment where colleagues feel comfortable discussing their struggles.

Adam recounts a time when he was suffering silently, showing up to work feeling unwell and unable to perform at his best. After seeking professional help, he learned the importance of self-care and setting boundaries. By sharing his story with his HR team, Adam found support and understanding from his colleagues.

Through his vulnerability and openness, Adam was able to connect with others who were also struggling, creating a sense of community and understanding within his workplace. He highlights the importance of normalizing conversations about mental health and the positive impact it can have on individuals and teams.

While there is no magic button to cure anxiety and depression, Adam encourages others to seek help and talk about their struggles. By breaking the stigma around mental health, we can create a more supportive and inclusive work environment for everyone.

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Video Transcript

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Video “Why You Should Talk About Your Anxiety at Work | Adam Whybrew | TED” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel TED