The Importance of Including in our Children’s Education | Benjamin Davies | TEDxBaiaMare – Video

The Importance of Including in our Children’s Education | Benjamin Davies | TEDxBaiaMare – Video

In his TEDx talk titled “What’s missing from what we teach our kids?” Benjamin Davies raises important questions about the education system and the skills that are not usually taught in schools. Davies begins by highlighting how the current education system primarily focuses on academic subjects and test scores, but fails to address essential life skills.

He argues that skills such as emotional intelligence, resilience, creativity, and critical thinking are often neglected in traditional curriculums. Davies emphasizes the importance of teaching children how to navigate the challenges of the real world and how to develop a growth mindset.

Moreover, Davies suggests incorporating more hands-on learning experiences and practical skills development in education to better prepare students for the future. By addressing these gaps in education, Davies believes that we can empower the next generation to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Overall, Davies advocates for a more holistic approach to education that values not only academic achievement but also personal development and life skills.

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Author Video Description

În acest TEDx Talk captivant, Benjamin Davies explorează viitorul educației și transformarea modului în care învățăm și ne dezvoltăm. Cu o perspectivă globală și o pasiune pentru potențialul fiecărui copil, el pune accent pe importanța formării valorilor, a dezvoltării emoționale, spirituale și fizice, precum și a cultivării curiozității și încrederii.

Benjamin subliniază nevoia de a trece dincolo de simplele cunoștințe predate și de a construi un sistem educațional care să echipeze copiii cu abilități esențiale de viață, autonomie și motivație. Discursul său aduce în prim-plan rolul crucial al profesorilor și părinților în modelarea generațiilor viitoare și în transformarea educației dintr-o simplă conformitate într-un proces care le permite copiilor să descopere că ei contează și pot realiza orice își propun. Ben is the Head of School and Learning Designer at Colina Learning Center in Romania, where he strives to create transformative learning experiences for all ages. Originally from England, Ben brings a wealth of expertise from his background in psychology and mathematics education.

Before relocating to Romania, he served as Headmaster at St Andrew’s Scots School in Buenos Aires, Argentina, honing his skills as an innovative school leader.

Ben is passionate about reimagining education to prepare young people for their future, not our past. He believes that authentic and meaningful learning is vital to elevating humanity and fostering global progress.

At Colina Learning Center, Ben is dedicated to building a vibrant, supportive community that embodies this vision, inspiring students to thrive and make a positive impact on the world. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Video “What’s missing from what we teach our kids? | Benjamin Davies | TEDxBaiaMare” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks