The Incredible Winter in Alaska: Hatcher Pass UTV Tour | Living in Anchorage, Alaska – Video

The Incredible Winter in Alaska: Hatcher Pass UTV Tour | Living in Anchorage, Alaska – Video

Alaska in winter is truly a sight to behold, and the Hatcher Pass UTV Tour showcased in this video proves just that. The adventure of off-roading in the snow-covered landscape is nothing short of incredible. From the top of Hatcher Pass to the cozy accommodations at Hatcher Pass Castle, every moment captured in this video epitomizes the beauty and thrill of winter in Alaska.

The rugged terrain, the stunning views, and the adrenaline rush of maneuvering through the snow on UTVs with snow tracks make for an unforgettable experience. The adventure doesn’t stop there, as the video showcases the fun and excitement of exploring the vast snow-covered landscape of Hatcher Pass.

Whether you’re a thrill-seeker looking for an adrenaline-pumping experience or simply want to revel in the beauty of winter in Alaska, the Hatcher Pass UTV Tour is a must-do activity. And with the discount code provided in the video, there’s no better time to book your own Alaskan winter adventure. So, buckle up, hit the trails, and explore the incredible winter wonderland that is Hatcher Pass. Cheers to living in Anchorage, Alaska, where winter is truly remarkable!

Watch the video by Ashley & Christian

3 2 1 Go today we’re heading back up to Hatcher Pass which is somewhere we visited back in the fall and we’re heading up there with the same company and we’re going to do something similar but different so but same same but different different because it is the middle of winter right now it is

February instead of doing some off-roading with rocks and grass we are going to be doing off-roading in the snow we have 2 days up there that we’re going to be spending so we’re going to be staying overnight in their lodging on property and we’re going playing outside

For the next 24 hours and I’m really excited it should be a lot of fun dumping snow pretty much the entire drive here in about 5 or 10 minutes ago it stopped there’s a nice fresh coat of snow on the ground for some great snow Machining yeah I’m very excited for That we just arrived and we’re getting ready to take these utvs out last time we took them they had wheels on them this time they have tracks on them which are a lot better for snow obviously sorry if I sound like I’m sling my words I actually recently got Invisalign so

You’re going to have to deal with that now we’re going to get out there and start Going we’re about to hop in our heated UTV pretty excited we’re going to get out of the top he said that should be nice we haven’t done anything in Alaska in a couple months like exciting so in the room I cannot wait to show you guys I love it I love that it’s

Amazing get sun we haven’t seen the sun in Days last time we had so much fun doing this and I think it’s going to be a very different experience in the snow the terrain is so different and I think that’s one of my favorite things about Alaska is that the summer or fall versus the winter it’s a completely different

Place even though we’ve done it before this is completely different we’re going to be doing it tomorrow as well when it’s supposed to be really really sunny Out snow gives a lot more control than the Mud I think it’s about to get really fun hello pretty crazy on the ice Road huh just a little snow truck Trail we’re going to have some fun bounce around maybe sling a little powder okay Go since it the snow did kind of melt about a couple weeks ago we had a lot of warm temps and now we have a bunch of ice right here that’s ice that darker portion here it’s just all ice underneath the snow right now because we

Haven’t gotten a ton of snow yet the traction isn’t as strong as it could be and we’re going to make a hard left turn he said if you get stuck don’t go up the bank and flip the machine look at that snow machine yeah he’s sliding oh Slippy The trees are actually 20 ft tall the snow is very deep out there some areas the snow is 20 ft deep and it’s not like soft snow so you’re not going to sink in but I mean it’s hard packed and we’re just standing on probably 15 20 ft of

Just snow let me show you what we’re driving here today good old Polaris Ranger here here this thing is pretty sick got a big old grill guard got these off-roading snow tracks to get us through the snow and it’s got a heated cabin we’re up here on Hatcher Pass kind

Of towards the top we checked our temperature in the machine 49° it’s 17° down in the valley that’s because of the temperature inversion that happens on Hatcher Pass it happens year round during the winter it’s warmer during the summer it’s cooler so that’s why we get the first snow and also the

Longest snow just us to enjoy it so we really need more people to come here come for the weather if not the Views it’s so much calmer than the fall one like you’re just kind of like gliding and bumping it’s a lot smoother like you’re kind of just gliding in the snow instead of like going over these giant Rocks that was a big one currently in the same spot that we were in the fall when we came and did this it looks the same but it’s just such a different landscape right now all the snow this little vegetation right here is probably like 10 ft tall and I’m just standing right

On top of it we’re getting ready to head back I am so hungry I feel like it’s the only thing I can focus on right now weing you’re going so fast right now fa park Fast back to the castle we go Slammer down the park we are good we are back back to our castle that was a fantastic time they were great before we get to the rest of the video we want to say a huge thank you to Hatcher Pass

Castle ATV tours and if you come out and do this make sure you use the code ashle dash Christian to get 10% off of your Excursion even if you don’t want to come up here and do snow machines or the utvs or anything you can come up here and

Stay they have this Castle they’ve renovated and it’s pretty awesome so we’re staying here for the night and this is our view it’s beautiful ignore the snow cat right there we’re out in the middle of nowhere it’s pretty off grid and this is just a Great Escape

From the City lucky number seven this is our room it’s pretty dang spacious I’d say right inside to the right of the door is this nice little bar area with some stools you can sit in and admire the view and we have a sound machine which is

Amazing got a giant bed here it feels like memory foam like you just sink into it I just love the decorative touches the wood all around and the baseboard of bed is wood yeah like I feel like everyone stayed has kind of a similar feel it just feels very cozy here is the

Bathroom you have a toilet and a sink and a shower which what else could you possibly need in a bathroom and I want to show the shower curtain let’s see the whole thing I don’t think we’ve seen it yet oh my God that’s a bear riding a

Shark so anyway lot going on there this is what is happening in our showers yeah I think it’s hilarious there’s no TVs there is Wi-Fi if you want it but starlink theoretically you could just leave your phone in the car or turn it off or something and have a completely off- grid Weekend staying on the second floor I think there’s three floors the bottom floor has the kitchen in it this is the kitchen this is really nice that they have this here because when you are kind of off grid can’t go to McDonald’s you want to yeah you don’t

Want to go back into Willow or drive somewhere else to go get groceries or food we got a stove got two sinks microwave coffee maker everything you need we just brought our groceries like I just kind of raided our freezer this morning and our pantry I was like okay

So we’re bringing some ground turkey and rice and pancakes it makes it like kind of like a hostel situation but not a hostel cuz you have a private room Community yeah Community Kitchen this is our dinner this is what we whipped up we have quite the little hodge podge tonight it’s day two

And look at the bright as heck it’s going to be a beautiful day and I’m so Excited we are loaded back up in our UTV this isn’t just a beautiful day it’s a perfectly clear day it’s 38° right now yeah they do a really good job of making sure that you’re comfortable Dy these before heading Out All right our first little pwder Trail just want to make sure you guys know where your wipers are cuz it’s going to get awesome you guys having fun yeah beautiful day Oh I think like yesterday we’re going to go back up in that area into that Valley There’s no what we’s no what we Games Beautiful Day made it to the top guys we did it always a little terrified cuz when you start tilting a little bit start rocking it’s like wa are we going to tip over fall off the mountain you don’t tip over in these [Applause] babies Sun is out here shining but it’s not hot at all anymore now we slipped back into the temperature version so it’s actually kind of hotter on the lower Mountain it’s actually colder up here whereas yesterday it was colder on the lower Mountain it was hotter up here not

Touching the snow at all this time we did snow angels yesterday we’re not doing that Again Come back to the valley that we were in yesterday and in the fall so this is our third time back in this Valley and just is beautiful every single time we’re watching like like snow machiners go and there’s a helicopter flying around like everyone’s just outside today we’re

Going to hop back in and I think head back now we’ve been out here for almost 2 hours yeah if not 2 hours it might have been two hours by now ready to roll y let’s do it Guys I should I like Oh Just wanted to say a huge thank you again to hatch surpass Castle ATV tours for inviting us out we will always come out and do this it has been so much fun highly recommend doing this so make sure you use that discount to get 10% off Bye

Video “This is Why Winter in Alaska is INCREDIBLE | Hatcher Pass UTV Tour | Living in Anchorage, Alaska” was uploaded on 03/24/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Ashley & Christian on Gretopia