Watching soldiers return home to their loved ones is always a heartwarming and emotional experience. The Most Emotional Soldiers Coming Home Compilation of 2023 captures some of the most heart wrenching and impactful moments of soldiers reuniting with their families. From surprise visits at graduation ceremonies to unexpected appearances at family gatherings, these heartfelt reunions will surely tug at your heartstrings.
The video showcases the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families as they endure long periods of separation, uncertainty, and worry. From a father surprising his son at his football game to a daughter reuniting with her Air Force boyfriend, each moment is filled with love, joy, and overwhelming emotions.
The compilation also features the resilience and strength of military families as they eagerly await the return of their loved ones. Whether it’s a daughter hugging her military father after months of absence or a mother being shocked by her son’s unexpected return home, each reunion is a powerful reminder of the bond between soldiers and their families.
Prepare to be moved to tears as you witness these heartwarming reunions and experience the raw emotions of soldiers coming home to their loved ones. Make sure to have a box of tissues nearby as you watch the Most Emotional Soldiers Coming Home Compilation of 2023.
Watch the video by MAD LAB
Video Transcript
Your loved ones defending their country is always something to be proud of but it’s also terrifying because you don’t know when they’ll return home or whether they’ll return it all today we’re going to show you the most heartbreaking moments of soldiers coming home so you can see for yourself how their loved
Ones feel keep a box of tissues nearby combat engineer Maria told her parents that she wouldn’t be able to celebrate Christmas with them but promised to send a present a very special one And he started cry women aren’t the only ones waiting for their loved ones in the military for this man 270 days apart seemed like an eternity while his sailor was on a voyage the history teacher became a part of History himself when he left to serve in Afghanistan just look at how his
Students greet him after five [Applause] months a daughter asked her parents to close their eyes to give them a surprise and it turned out to be the gift that her mom wanted the most her son home Again on his only day off a soldier traveled hundreds of miles to see his friends and it was worth It after 10 months of serving in the military police a son couldn’t even take time off for his father’s 50th birthday all he could do was send him a video of congratulations and a small [Applause] gift [Applause] there’s nothing sweeter for a soldier to hear than the last dismissed command so we can finally give his beloved the hug of a Life Time a father sent this gift to his boy for Christmas so the boy wouldn’t miss him during the holiday but the boy wasn’t expecting it to contain a miracle This girl didn’t even want to celebrate her 18th birthday it just didn’t feel right without her boyfriend who was in the Air Force and far away or wasn’t He if you ever wondered what it must feel like to not know whether your little girl will ever come home again but then you see her walk through the door well here it Is this woman heard a noise in the living room and wondered what was going on what she didn’t know was that all of her relatives and the love of her life were waiting there for her Jeremiah rutage was about to sign his first professional contract as a
Football player he didn’t know that his father had returned from Afghanistan specifically to support him on his special Day if you think long-distance relationships never work out tell that to her this girl has been waiting for her man to come home from the service for a year and 3 months and all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him the anniversary of losing her little
Angel was supposed to be an unbearable day for this woman but her husband found a way to come home from the service at exactly the right moment to share the pain with his Wife This military mom went straight from her plane to her son’s game after 8 months of service in Kuwait and it seemed that Derek was just about to throw his best ball but something went wrong oh that’s all right [Applause] there but that’s okay that was his natural reaction that was D want miss you because of the pandemic this girl had to wait for her father for for much longer than he promised so he surprised her as soon as he Could a soldier only had a few hours of leave but he was able to make it at the very last second before his brother said I do to his fiance and now this special day has become twice as Unforgettable you’ve already seen solders coming home but this story will definitely surprise you Kinsey Jones had left for basic training 4 months before but that was just too long for her family so they decided to come visit her in Person this girl was very upset when she found out that her brother wouldn’t be there to see her Air Force graduation ceremony but he found a way to surprise her at the very last Second the mother of this Air Force man wasn’t even expecting to see her son at the Christmas dinner table but it looks like Santa had special plans for her oh my [Applause] God this Marine went straight from his ship to a clinic not as a patient but as
A cure for all of his mother’s worries because now he’s with her again this woman didn’t even know if her man would return but she continued to wait every day for this Moment here’s what a jump after 6 months of waiting looks Like a brother in the Air Force promised his sister that he would be at a Gra graduation but he didn’t make it in time she didn’t think he was coming but a soldier always keeps his Word some presents just have to be opened on Christmas Eve and this family got one of them the surprise was waiting for him outside but they could not have imagined how valuable it was look in the backyard Kak what know come here 315 days of waiting for someone in the Army is an eternity and not everyone can do it but she knew he was worth It working hard as a military police officer Jacob hadn’t seen his mother in nearly 2 years he decided to show up to her college graduation to personally hand her her Nursing degree you Right congratulations M this is 10-year-old Jasmine’s first cheerleading championship and she wanted to win it for her Army mom she couldn’t have imagine that her mom would steal this show just for [Applause] Her This Girl’s family told her that someone special was waiting for her outside she just couldn’t believe her eyes when she finally saw her dad after being apart for so Long the best player on the team chose military training instead of working out with his team all summer but here’s how he was welcomed back on her wedding day this woman was expecting to see all kinds of a guests but not her military brother fortunately he did everything he could to make sure
He didn’t miss his sister’s special Day after being apart for 7 months it seems like this girl is never going to let her boyfriend out of her arms again every mother of a soldier hopes that every person she sees in uniform is her own son and one day it finally Happens I’ve already lost count of how many mothers Hearts have been relieved today but look at this Marine woman who missed her mom so much that she almost knocked her off her feed everyone in this girl’s family keeps their promises even serving in another countryes no reason not to show
Up at the graduation of the sister you made a promise to in first grade Every day for 182 days this little girl imagined what she would say to her dad when she finally saw him again but now that the moment’s arrived she just can’t control her [Applause] emotions a mom was telling her son what a brave father he had when the man himself unexpected returned Home after a long separation it was enough for this girl just to hug her boyfriend again but he decided that she deserved so much More imagine them telling this story to their kids one day have you ever heard that that a pregnant woman tends to be inattentive well it’s true so true in fact that she may not even notice her husband who’s just returned home from the Army while serving in Iraq this Navy Senior Chief dreamed of seeing his son at least once and his dream came true the boy’s reaction just tells you how awesome of a dad he Is this lady had no idea that her family had the most unexpected surprise planned for her this Christmas her sons return home from the service a young woman wasn’t expecting to see her dad for another few weeks but he somehow ends up in her photos ahead of time around oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a family thought they’re having a regular video call with their son and the quality of the connection will be as bad as usual but he found a way to fix it this time can’t hear me now can’t I hear you maybe we should go inside so
They can hear me better are you sure you can’t hear me sure you can’t hear me oh my oh my God the captain of a women’s soccer team wasn’t expecting that in addition to winning the game she would not only see her loved one but also be getting proposed to by him [Applause] after a long Voyage this Marine headed straight to a diner not to get something to eat but to surprise his mom oh my God this soldier’s surprise for his younger brother swept him off his feet literally oh oh my God oh my God a woman’s oldest son told her that he accidentally wrecked her car but it was actually a setup for her younger son to surprise her with his return home from the Service imagine how you would feel if you found what you had been dreaming about most in the trunk of your car you’d probably look like this soldier’s sister oh my God oh my God oh my God after a long Tour of Duty this Soldier came home and immediately fell into his mother’s arms as if he’ll never leave her Embrace again what do you think is there anything that can make this woman happier than getting proposed to on Christmas well how about her son’s return from the
Army oh my God this Airman is in a hurry to get home on this special day because he just has to make his family’s dream come true on Christmas oh my God oh my God oh oh my God oh My a man in the Air Force told his sister that he couldn’t be at her graduation but he would send her a present and it turned out to be the most important present Ever a school teacher was expecting to see a l student y hear T no somebody might remember that but instead she sees her son who had just returned from the [Applause] service a mother and daughter were waiting for their waater when someone much more special approached their Table this Dad couldn’t wait for his daughter at home after 16 long months away so he came to see her right in the middle of her volleyball practice oh my God This retired Marine knows what the best birthday present is it’s when your grandson who followed in your footsteps comes home after a long time in the Service it was just a normal day at school for this cheerleader until her older brother came around the corner this Marine was given just one day of leave at the very last minute to attend his sister’s wedding and she definitely can’t even believe in such a Miracle this girl was about to give her yearly update to her father who was serving in Afghanistan she wasn’t expected to be able to tell him everything in [Applause] Person this mascot isn’t at all what it seems this Man’s family this is a father who has come home to his [Applause] family and they’re all so happy a sailor told his family that he’d be sending him a package but he didn’t specify what would be Inside we out you we out you this girl closes her eyes and makes a wish on her birthday to see her brother as soon as possible who knew that it would come true so quickly 2 one let’s get a round of applause please this girl hadn’t seen her
Boyfriend in nine long months but now they’re finally back Together this family waited for a very long time for their fast food but it was worth it especially because the order was brought out by the husband who had just returned from a long Tour of Duty this girl was upset that her brother couldn’t make it to her graduation because of his military
Service but it looks like he still managed to get there at the last Second 9-year-old Luke was ready to take on everyone while blindfolded at taekwondo practice well everyone that is except his dad whom he hadn’t seen in 10 Months this soldier surprises his dentist mom while she’s at [Applause] Work seems like the only time anyone was happy to go to the dentist for her 50th birthday this mother was just expecting a small postcard from her son in the Navy but no one was expecting him to suddenly show up okay maybe the head the Box all
Yours oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh you had a feeling it’s weird feeling today this cheerleader decided to go to practice on Christmas because the holiday felt pointless without her brother but the brother did his best to save the day for Her a mother and daughter thought they’d want t-shirt with the player autographs but the real prize was waiting for him in a giant box all right let’s see what’s in that box ladies in gentlemen just returning from overseas from the United States this soldier’s girlfriend was sure that he wouldn’t be able to make it home because of the pandemic but he found a way oh my God this Soldier came home right in the middle of her best friend’s live broadcast and she decided to make it Unforgettable more than you could ever Know it’s hard to believe that 72 hours ago this sailor was on a ship overseas but he couldn’t miss his girlfriend’s [Applause] Graduation here’s how you hug someone who’s traveled 12,000 km for this a marine recorded a message for his family and girlfriend letting him know that he wouldn’t be able to come home due to a secret mission to give them the best surprise [Applause] Ever but that was only the first [Applause] Part After two years apart this girl had forgotten what it was like to see your dad at home after school and even the sound of his voice Sam Jimmy Fallon asked a military wife to guess one simple sentence on his show and it’s what she’s been waiting to hear for 2 years
Husband is behind you your husband is behind [Applause] You oh My it’s certainly been a long year of service for this young Soldier but this hug looks like it’s going to last even longer you know you’re an excellent teacher and person of the year when your students greet you like this after 6 months in the service a high-ranking officer wasn’t
Able to spend a single holiday with his family but he just couldn’t miss his son’s graduation [Applause] one of the biggest sacrifices a soldier has to make is being away from his children who need him so Much a buddy I miss you I miss you too this girl thought that the only thing she’d be getting from this competition was a consolation prize but what she really won was a reunion with her older brother who had just come home after a year of service being carried by Chelsea’s
Brother Sergeant Keri who flew back after serving a year in the Middle [Applause] East this nurse isn’t running to help a patient she’s running to hug her husband he couldn’t leave her alone after she found out that a close family member had entered into Hospice Care these kids thought they were eating lunch with the school mascot are you sharing your beneath the mask was the mother of one of the boys who just returned home from service in the Middle East a soldier told his girlfriend that he would send her a graduation present but didn’t specify what [Applause] kind the sudden appearance of her son made this mom almost almost run through [Applause] glass oh my God you look so good I’m just so good oh my God had a long road ahead of him to get home but someone decided to keep him company with his sweetheart by his side this is sure to be the best trip ever the eldest son in this family had
The honor of kicking the ball at the start of a football game but none of them knew that Under The Helmet of one player was their military dad who’ come home from Overseas for the last 10 months this woman’s legs just gave out on her when her military girlfriend came Home this Soldier was was called up for Duty the day before his wife gave birth so the only way he could see his son come into the world was through a video Call for dogs 3 weeks away from their human feels like an eternity and is the best treat for this good boy was the return of his owner While other boys were hoping to get a new gaming console for Christmas all this boy wanted was to see his grandpa come home from military service you told us to come see you buddy a cheerleader named Angela thought that her job was just to keep motivating
The team and the crowd but she didn’t know she was about to become the star of the evening this family was sure that gifts could only be under the tree but the eldest son changed the rules this girl hadn’t seen her older brother in such a long time that she
Thought she was still dreaming when he walked into her Room this soldier’s girlfriend counted every day for 193 days until they could be reunited and the day has finally arrived look he even brought her a military teddy bear the love of best friends knows no borders this girl spent all night wondering what to say to her military
Boyfriend but when she finally saw him she was speechless This soldier’s family thought that a photo with the mancot would be the best part of their day but they were wrong gentlemen Sergeant Keith a soldier’s mother had resigned herself to the fact that her son wouldn’t be at her wedding but instead he gave her the best present in the world my God this Soldier homecoming was obviously staged but these guys did a good Job you so much see next me great job oh my God check out this US soldier as he surprises his mom while she’s at work hi oh my God oh my looks like this is the best end to a work shift she has ever had look at how
Big brother comes home from the US Air Force and surprises his little sister at cheerleading [Applause] practice and just like that he stole the heart of every cheerleader that day this young man will remember his High School graduation forever holy after all he was awarded his
Diploma by his older brother who had come home from the Air Force just to surprise Him congratulations surprise lightning bag Jason Cherry a teacher is leading a student of the month assembly when suddenly she notices a name that is very significant to her Eric Bening it’s the name of her son a soldier whom she hasn’t seen in many months this family was asked to say a
Few words to their father that he’d like to hear while serving in Afghanistan but on that day the scuba Soldier was closer than they thought all right I’m going to send this to him on Facebook are you freaking kidding me this is Ronson your husband’s here in for Duty ddy the hugad Daddy the high school math teacher had the opportunity to ask for a gift on Santa’s lap as soon as she starts talking about her Soldier son a true Christmas miracle happens on us soil home from Afghanistan where he Y and oh [Applause] W this family decided to grab some fast
Food but instead gets the happiest meal of their Lives a soldier’s wife gets an unexpected Valentine’s Day gift from her husband asking her to record herself reading his letter she’s about to find out why dear Megan Happy Valentine’s Day my love by the way don’t mind Mark recording I want him to send me your reaction I know I’ve been gone overseas
For over a year and it’s been tough without waking up next to you P.S I have one more surprise for you have fun looking for it oh oh my God this girl sees something that can’t possibly be real and something inside her Snaps her sisters miraculously managed to come home to see her graduate for real can you imagine how a mom who hasn’t seen her child in 74 days must feel Exactly more than anything this mother was afraid of never seeing her son again but he came to personally put her mind at Ease what can a soldier do when he knows his family is expecting his arrival that’s right come back even earlier and surprise everyone while they’re busy preparing a surprise [Applause] themselves oh my this guy hasn’t seen his dad in so long that he didn’t even recognize him when he suddenly came home in the middle of the Night I really hope they make up for all a lost time together for 6 months this curly little one had been imagining running toward her dad and giv him a big hug all he had to do was to keep his word and come back to her and he
De while everyone thought that this girl was running to hug her friend at graduation she was actually headed straight towards the most important person in her life her dad This man had no idea that dinner with his daughter was about to turn into dinner with the whole Family look at how he picks up his military son as if he were a little boy this girl was told that there was a special surprise waiting for her outside it’s didn’t even occur to her that it would be her father I sincerely hope that they will never have to be a part
Again the hardest thing about being separated from your girlfriend is surviving those last few seconds before you see her face again but the surprise was worth it this good boy simply could not believe that his human had come back and then the joy became too much for his Body here’s some proof that positive emotions can also be shocking check out this girl’s reaction to her boyfriend’s unexpected return after 6 months of service military service separated this girl from her beloved sisters and brother for six long months but now the long awaited reunion has arrived I don’t think they’ll ever let
Her out of their sight it takes a few seconds for this girl to realize that her dad is finally picking her up from school today just look at those eyes she can’t believe that after 7 months of service he’s here while this grandmother was getting ready for Christmas her grandson decided
To surprise her from behind obviously he Succeeded this military couple is definitely going to remember their wonderful reunion for the rest of their lives the greatest gift for any mother is seeing her child but what if they haven’t seen each other in years then it becomes a lifechanging moment a military son promised to surprise his
Dad when he returned from work and he kept his word in every Sense this is a congratulatory letter that a military brother wrote for his sister because he wasn’t going to make it home for a graduation but the best part of this surprise was waiting for her at the End this girl’s mother told her that a big gift had arrived for her and her sister and it was waiting for them right outside the door they couldn’t have imagined a better One this student shows his classmates what his military father once taught him how to apply a tourniquet guess who he show going it off on Now this Soldier decided to make his return from the Army not just special but Unforgettable for his [Applause] girlfriend from now on this will be an anniversary celebration for them there’s only one flight That Matters to this woman the one carrying her husband whom she hasn’t seen in 8 Months how long do you think you’d need to go without seeing your son to react like this to his return home the correct answer is about a year after 8 months of service this milit Terry man was able to come home for just a couple of days but for this
Good boy that’s enough because in the arms of his owner time stand still there are plenty of gifts that this large box could be holding but none of them would bring as much joy to this family as the return of this Soldier this Soldier won’t be getting
Any of those 366 days spent apart from her four-legged friend back but now they have the rest of their lives ahead of them if you haven’t been touched by a sweet reunion in this video yet this one’s for you after 6 months apart this girl was as nervous as the first time
She met her man this Soldier only had a couple of days on leave but he didn’t mind spending some time preparing a surprise for his daughter Truly the greatest gift for a child is to have their parents with them this soldier’s granny was afraid she would never see her grandson return home from the service but one year later they finally made it and She fainted with joy but don’t worry she’ll be Fine a military father of three couldn’t wait for his kids to come home from school so he decided to go to their school It was the best day ever what can melt the heart of even the toughest man the return of his beloved daughter from the Army holy you got to be kidding me oh my God God how an F-16 pilot had to be away from his wife for five long months
Now his last flight is over and she’s never letting him out of her arms again this girl doesn’t know about the surprise her dad whom they haven’t seen in 9 months has planned for her and her brother unfortunately he’ll have to go back in a couple of days but this
Reunion will help warm their hearts in the meantime this woman knew that long-distance relationships were tough but if your bond is strong enough you’ll eagerly count the days until your military boyfriend comes home for this Soldier this was the last time he would be coming home to his
Girlfriend because from now on she would be his wife think military parents are the only ones who surprise their kids at school well then take a look at this Spanish teacher and her reaction when her daughter suddenly shows up no these children aren’t getting a present from Santa and it’s not their
Birthday it’s an even more special day for them because Dad has come home from duty to give them a big hug what could have made this man turn around and leave so quickly just an attempt to hide his tears of joy at his military girlfriend’s return home he hasn’t seen her in 6
Months this boy couldn’t figure out why his mom was recording him until he saw who was getting out of the car look even the dog is super excited this young Soldier has just returned from Afghanistan and went straight to his mother’s place of work to surprise
Her you can feel the love and joy through the screen graduation is always an unforgettable experience especially when your little sister has the honor of tapping you out now they can hug as much as they want this is the best surprise that a soldier released from service can give to his family and Friends he gave each of them the opportunity to experience this Joy Personally this man returned from deployment after a long time without seeing his little girl and here’s how she reacted to Daddy’s [Applause] return this is Shelby and it’s hard to believe but she hasn’t seen her dad in over 3 Years it’s impossible to imagine how she must feel at this long awaited moment this soldier surprises his friends at a house party after serving 6 months in the Air Force and the collective response after seeing him is [Applause] amazing this guy couldn’t contain his emotions after his military dad surprised him by coming to an important baseball game having an older military brother always makes girls feel safe and proud and this case is no Exception this military woman is about to surprise her family with an unexpected group Photo she better get ready for lots of hugs love and her father’s tears if you thought military men only surprised their parents or girlfriends then take a look at this cute moment of a soldier surprising his best friend I hope he’ll be allowed to leave work
Early after 2 years of service this Navy Soldier is finally home to surprise his father in a very original way watched as virtual reality turns into incredible reality This woman had already made peace with the fact that her brother wouldn’t be able to come to her wedding but when a soldier gives his word to his family he makes the impossible Happen this military man found a way to get into the kitchen to ask the most important question to his girlfriend right in the middle of her shift and she said [Applause] yes the hardest part of being a soldier is not seeing your child grow up luckily
This Army dad can always be with his son and wife Maria and Michaela had just formed at a basketball game and thought the most emotional part of the day was over then their military dad whom they hadn’t seen in 10 months showed [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Up when this family was stopped by the police they were prepared to get in trouble but not to meet the father who returned after four long months in Afghanistan just look how much these two are in love and happy to be in each other’s arms I hope the Army won’t keep them apart
Again and that’s all for today if you cried your eyes out along the way then leave a like on this video and be sure to share your own stories about a military family member or friend surprising you see you in the next Video
Video “Most Emotional Soldiers Coming Home Compilation of 2023 !” was uploaded on 01/05/2024 to Youtube Channel MAD LAB

The post “The Most Heartwarming Compilation of Soldiers Coming Home in 2023! – Video ” by GretAi was published on 02/17/2024 by