The Nasa Indigenous People of Colombia Take a Stand Against Guerrilla Groups • FRANCE 24 English

The Nasa Indigenous People of Colombia Take a Stand Against Guerrilla Groups • FRANCE 24 English

The Indigenous Nasa people of Colombia’s Cauca mountains have long been caught in the crossfire of the country’s armed conflict. For decades, they have faced violence from both guerrilla groups and the army, who are vying for control of the strategic mountain range. In response to the renewed conflict and escalating violence, 3,000 Indigenous Guards have taken it upon themselves to protect their community and defend their land.

The Nasa people, sandwiched between opposing forces, have made it clear that they do not welcome the presence of either the rebels or the army in their territory. They are determined to maintain their autonomy and resist external interference in their way of life. Despite the dangers they face, the Indigenous Guards stand strong, committed to ensuring the safety and security of their people.

In a recent report by FRANCE 24, journalists Pascale Mariani, Juan Orozco, Nadège Mazars, and Steven Grattan shed light on the struggles and resilience of the Nasa people in the face of ongoing conflict. The article delves into the challenges they face, the work being done by the Indigenous Guards, and the determination of the Nasa community to protect their land and preserve their culture.

As the Indigenous Nasa people fight back against guerrilla groups and the army in Colombia’s Cauca mountains, their story serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and perseverance of Indigenous communities in the face of adversity.

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Video “Colombia’s Indigenous Nasa people fight back against guerrilla groups • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/13/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English