The Ocean Cleanup Celebrates 100 Successful Plastic Hauls from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Video

The Ocean Cleanup Celebrates 100 Successful Plastic Hauls from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Video

The Ocean Cleanup’s 100th Plastic Haul from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

. The Ocean Cleanup recently celebrated a major milestone with their 100th plastic haul from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The team is dedicated to removing the vast amount of plastic debris polluting our oceans, with a focus on preventing the fragmentation of large objects into harmful microplastics. The video provides a behind-the-scenes look at the intricate process of extracting and disposing of the collected plastic.

The team meticulously prepares to pull the retention zone onto the deck, ensuring that every step is done with precision to prevent any plastic from escaping. As the plastic is lifted onto the deck, the magnitude of the problem becomes clear – tons of plastic waste that has been floating in the ocean for years is finally being removed. The impact of their work is tangible, with over 5,824 kilos of plastic being brought on board during this extraction.

The team reflects on the significance of their work, highlighting the importance of taking action to solve environmental problems rather than simply acknowledging them. The video ends with a sense of accomplishment and pride, as the massive haul of plastic serves as a reminder of the impact that each individual can have on preserving our planet for future generations.

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Video “The Ocean Cleanup’s 100th Plastic Haul from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” was uploaded on 05/30/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET