“The Prince of Thieves” is a classic 1948 American adventure film directed by Howard Bretherton that brings the iconic tale of Robin Hood to life. Starring Jon Hall as the legendary outlaw, the story centers around Sir Allan Claire, played by Michael Duane, who returns from the Crusades with his sister Lady Marian Claire, portrayed by Patricia Morison. Intent on marrying his betrothed Lady Christabel, played by Adele Jergens, Sir Allan and Lady Marian find themselves in Sherwood Forest where they are met by Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men.
As the plot unfolds, Robin Hood recognizes Sir Allan as a friend of King Richard and reveals that Lady Christabel is being coerced into a marriage against her will for political gain. Together, they join forces to rescue her, embarking on a series of daring adventures that test their wit and courage.
With a talented cast and a captivating storyline, “The Prince of Thieves” is a must-watch for fans of adventure and classic cinema. Howard Bretherton’s direction, coupled with the stellar performances by Jon Hall, Michael Duane, Patricia Morison, and Adele Jergens, brings the timeless tale of Robin Hood to new heights of excitement and intrigue. Don’t miss out on this thrilling free movie experience that will transport you to the enchanting world of Sherwood Forest.
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Video “The Prince Of Thieves | FREE MOVIE (Michael Duane, Patricia Morrison)” was uploaded on 12/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
A new one. God bless England,
Thank you.
I like the story but it's a bit way too cheesy however I did watch it through to the end.
Important historical information: Richard I (The Lionhearted) NEVER lived in England. He stayed in Normandy, except for the Crusade.