“The Pursuit of Happiness” is a gripping drama that follows the journey of William Popper, a privileged Columbia University student played by Michael Sarrazin, who finds himself in a dire situation after accidentally committing manslaughter. His life takes a drastic turn as he is sentenced to a year in prison, but soon realizes that he cannot bear the confinement. With the help of his loyal and politically radical girlfriend, Jane, portrayed by Barbara Hershey, William decides to escape and flee to Canada, becoming fugitives in the process.
Directed by Robert Mulligan, this film beautifully showcases the complexities of love, freedom, and the pursuit of one’s ideals. The chemistry between Sarrazin and Hershey is palpable, drawing viewers into the tumultuous journey of the two characters as they navigate life on the run. The raw emotions and compelling performances in “The Pursuit of Happiness” make it a must-watch for cinephiles looking for a gripping tale of love and rebellion.
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Video “The Pursuit of Happiness | FREE MOVIE (Barbara Hershey, Michael Sarrazin)” was uploaded on 12/19/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
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