Tokyo is the world’s largest and most densely populated megalopolis. It stands as a symbol of our Futuristic high-tech civilisation. Yet over 150 years ago, before it opened up and embraced Western culture without losing its own identity, Tokyo was still Edo, a traditional Asian city ruled by the feudal powers of the Samurai. Twice the city experienced total destruction. Yet each time, like the mythical phoenix, the city rose spectacularly from the ashes. Discover the story of this metarmophosis through never seen before restored and colorized archives filmed in Tokyo from 1905 onward. This film reveals the extraordinary resilience of the Japanese people.
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Tokyo Phoenix, the Rise of Modern Japan” was uploaded on 07/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
chinese japanese !!
Dù thế nào đi nữa, dù họ nói gì đi nữa, Nhật Bản là tấm gương vĩ đại nhất về sự chấp nhận và cải thiện, và đây vẫn là quốc gia có kỷ luật và chất lượng cuộc sống tốt nhất, ngày này qua ngày khác…
ياااااااارب استر❤
Koreans were murdered in the thousands in the aftermath of the Kanto earthquake.
Just came here after watching rise of Singapore, i like Singapore more … No offense
ぽるぱん無(ほん) ぞるあいのい。 或(ほる)で呪(である)ておる^ホ
遥(ほるるこ) 遥(うんこ) 蛆(はるか)
Excelente documental, ocho anuncios pero todo lo demás bien. Con respecto a la última reflexión entorno al paradigma de la relación espíritu-cuerpo (japonés moderno/japonés milenario) Yukio Mishima lo sabía explicar a la perfección, es más; él se atrevió, bajo el paraguas infundado de pensamientos nacionalistas, a afirmar que el Japón moderno (actual estado y sociedad) destruiría los cimientos de miles de años de confabulación oriental y es lo que se ve hoy en día: una juventud cada vez más perdida y desorientada con respecto a ¿quiénes son realmente y de dónde provienen?, una clase social envejecida que perdió más de la mitad de la vida sumida en el trabajo asalariado y, que por consecuencia, perdió cualquier capacidad de asimilar un pasado como herramienta para crear un futuro y, por último, una consecuente militarización pasiva pero igual de agresiva que la acontecida durante la Guerra con China y la del Pacífico.
ENG: Excellent documentary, eight ads but everything else good. Regarding the last reflection on the paradigm of the spirit-body relationship (modern Japanese/millennial Japanese), Yukio Mishima knew how to explain it perfectly, what's more; He dared, under the unfounded umbrella of nationalist thoughts, to affirm that modern Japan (current state and society) would destroy the foundations of thousands of years of oriental collusion and that is what we see today: an increasingly lost youth. and disoriented with respect to who they really are and where they come from?, an aging social class that lost more than half of its life immersed in salaried work and, as a consequence, lost any capacity to assimilate a past as tool to create a future and, finally, a consequent passive but equally aggressive militarization as that which occurred during the War with China and the Pacific War.
gran documental
The America that socialists bitch about flattened them then rebuilt it as a benevolent force. Just as she did with Europe under the Marshall Plan. All socialism ever does is destroy.
very goooooood
Japanese relentless heart keep standing in the midst of trials and difficulties ….
American arrogance is always astounding. If she looked in the worlds mirror, lies, wars, death, misery, destruction and chaos would be her reflection.
Awesome Doc. Well done… packed a lot of interesting information and videos in a short time. We citizens of all Nations through all history have suffered at the behest of our bad leaders. Citizens of Japan have proved themselves to be a resilient people… and when left with no choice, fierce warriors. Being escorted around by those walking the streets recording, I got hooked on observing how well Japanese in Tokyo are managing so packed in with people. Reminds me of New York in it's heyday when the city never slept.
Pengalaman yang paling berharga … untuk kemanusiaan …. sebenarnya untuk ….apa harus berperang …saling membunuh ….endingnya harus demikian …..jepang dengan segala ke angkara murkanya …..dengan perlakuan tidak manusia wi ….kepada semuanya …..di akhir …kekalahannya ….masih di bantu untuk.di pulihkan segalanya …..perang tak lebih …membawa ….semoga jangan pernah Ter ulang lagi …. shobat semuanya salam dari Hwan Noyo Chanel
im southeast , that's you poors and too of worlds wanna be trash, because has many rasists and look under others, fact you it's right all ???
now tokyo >beijing think ?
Nếu ko co Mỹ . Coi như vn phanh thây
No Hindi audio 😢
I don’t think people understand how crazy it is to go from a medieval society to a modern democratic super power in just 40 years.
I just realized kyoto is tokyo, the same letters rearranged.
Didn't even check the time once while watching this, that's how you know you're watching a good doc 👍
날생선을 먹으며 이해할 수 없는 문화를 지닌 야만인'으로 취급한 독일인들도 상당수 있었다
히틀러는 "아리아인의 문화가 없다면 일본이나 중국은 다시 근대화 이전으로 돌아갈 것이다."라며 일본인보다 아리아인이 위대하다는 걸 확실히 해두기는 했지만, 일본과 추축 동맹을 맺은 후엔 독일에 사는 일본인들을 명예 아리아인이라 선포하고, 심지어 여러 번 아시아와 접촉하고 나서는 아시아인의 고대 문명이 우리의 것보다 우수하다고 믿는다는 발언을 하기도 했다.
disini bisa kita lihat pemerintah yang bersih dan tidak korup membuat bangsa menjadi maju, bangsa yang lemah hari ini memperlihatkan culasnya pemegang kekuasaan
I'm never seeing Ueno Park & Tokyo University the same again. 😢
Japan, a war criminal country that does not reflect on itself, should not be forgiven.
Que buen relato 👍
Although I hate Japan very much, I have to admit that Japan did create an economic miracle in the 1980s.
This video, which affirms the Nanjing Incident, was produced from the perspective of the victorious country, so the credibility of other claims is also low.
I’ve always been fascinated by Japan’s ability to rise, fall, and then rise again throughout its history. As an Asian, Japan’s story is truly inspiring. To recover in just 20 years after the war, and then become an economic powerhouse second only to the US in just a few decades, is a powerful testament to the resilience and aspirations of the Japanese people. Although the perspective is mostly shaped by Western views of Japan, this documentary is incredibly well made! Thank you for sharing it with us!
I wish this video was shown to those clueless ppl who condemn the atomic bombing of Japan.
Always heard that Japan was one of the last places to fall with the Old World buildings. A fire is always common and always "destroys" these cities. The ones in the United States happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s
Being so futuristic. In government offices they still use fax machines, Ms floppy disks, Windows 98. They're slowly changing but not as fast as they should be
Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin
Memory of the World
Imjin War
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Bombing of Chongqing
Japan's hobby of war of aggression without declaration of war
foreigners who defend the Nazis
a Nazi-loving foreigner
It's too weird.
At that time, Japan was an Asian Nazi
German Nazi = Japanese Empire
Japan's war crimes competed against the German Nazis
At that time, Japan was a twisted and evil country
The Japanese military has slaughtered countless civilians in Asia
Japanese civilians also slaughtered Koreans
In short, Japanese civilians are also Nazis
For one example 關東大虐殺 간토 대학살 Kanto Massacre
The Japanese set up prisons in every city in Korea for torture and murder
Seodaemun Prison
Unit 731
Nanjing Massacre
Manila massacre
Japan's historical distortion, historical revisionism, is too absurd
Japan is the same democracy, but it distorts and hides its history
Germany teaches history accurately
The Japanese should emulate the Germans
Come to Korea and study history
There is a lot of historical evidence in Korea
It's an accurate history
Germany and Japan were allies in World War II
As soon as industrialization was successful, Japan waged war and massacred countless civilians
the Asian Holocaust
the Asian Nazis
I must say that American soldier was necessary and it saved at least 20x more lives considering that Imperial Japan never wanted to stop doing Asian holocaust
we have to check the number of civilians killed by the Japanese military during that period
Thank the American soldier for stopping the Asian Nazis
Every country has a dark history. That's one thing. Whether they are ashamed and regret the wrong doings in the past and not cover it up is another
The adults told me a lot of stories
There are so many war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers
But Japan denies history
Japanese right-wing nationalists
Yasukuni Shrine
It's like calling Nazi Hitler a hero
The Japanese should learn the right history instead of pretending to be war victims
Japan should reflect on itself
It's important to learn history correctly for future generations
Koreans don't want compensation
They want to learn the right history and truly reflect on each other and form a consensus
As soon as Japan invaded Korea
the murder of Empress Myeongseong
At that time, the king of Japan was a god and the king of other countries was a beast
The king of Japan was enshrined as a god, but after the war was defeated, he declared himself a human being
The Japanese are rewriting history by rewriting stories that didn't exist
Historical revisionism is so absurd
일본인들 근대화 광무개혁 중인 조선을 침략해서 최빈국 문맹인으로 만들었다
학살, 고문, 한국어 금지, 한국어 말살, 한국 문화 말살, 강제노동, 강제 징용
민족말살 ethnocide
일본의 강제징용 노동으로 수백만 명이 맞아 죽거나 굶어 죽었다
한마디로 한국에 살고 있는 일본인들만 편하게 살려고 했다
한국을 수탈해서 한국 국민들은 굶주렸다
군산 놀러와 증거 그대로 보존해 있다
다른 나라들도 일본인들의 자원이랑 식량 수탈 때문에 많은 사람들이 굶주렸다
일본의 수탈 때문에 베트남은 200만 명 굶어 죽었다
일본인들은 한국의 땅이랑 토지를 다 뺏었다
일본인들은 전쟁 자금을 마련하려고 한국 국민들 숟가락
농사짓는 농기구
금속이랑 쇠를 모조리 다 뺏었다
일본인들은 자신들이 우월하다고 믿고 한국인들을 차별하고 멸시하였다
일본인들 정신 좀 차려 역사왜곡 그만해
일본인들 일본의 왜곡된 역사를 진짜로 믿고 있다 …………………………………………………………………………………….
정신 차려 너무 한심하다
일본이 아시아의 호랑이?
일본은 아시아의 너구리다
한국 때문에 중국의 침략을 안 받은 나라가 일본이다
한국 위에는 중국
한국은 많은 전쟁을 겪었다
일본은 아시아 최초로 근대화에 성공해서 2차 세계대전에서 다른 나라를 침략을 한 거다
한국의 역사는 5000년 가까이 된다
한국 와서 공부해 한국은 증거 위주 역사다
고대 한국 때문에 발전한 나라 일본은 임진왜란으로 한국을 공격하였다
그 후로 일본은 미국 때문에 발전하였지만 진주만 공습으로 미국을 공격하였다
일본 너무 이상한 나라다
범죄가 발생하면 해결하려고 노력을 해야지 숨기고 감추고 비겁한 행동이다
아직까지 반성 안 하는 나라 현재 지금도 반성 없는 나라 일본
Qing invasion of Joseon 丙子胡亂
Imjin War
Joseon suffered tremendous damage due to the invasion of China and Japan
Koreans never forget war crimes