The Root of the Protests in Kenya: Exploring Inside Story

The Root of the Protests in Kenya: Exploring Inside Story

In recent days, Kenya has been engulfed in widespread protests against proposed new taxes, with many citizens taking to the streets to voice their discontent. Criticism has been levelled at the police for their use of excessive force in quelling these demonstrations, with reports of violent confrontations causing injury and even loss of life.

A significant portion of the demonstrators are young people, who have been mobilised through social media platforms to express their opposition to the new tax measures. But what exactly is the rationale behind the government’s decision to implement these taxes, and why has the response been so vehement?

To shed light on these pressing questions, we turn to our panel of experts. Stella Agara, a Tax Justice Activist and Africa Governance and Security Analyst, offers her insights into the implications of these proposed taxes on the economy and society at large. Reginald Kadzutu, a Finance Economist at Oxford Brooks University, provides a financial perspective on the necessity of these tax reforms. Finally, Nicodemus Minde, a Researcher with the East Africa Peace and Security Governance Program at the Institute for Security Studies, delves into the potential ramifications of the protests on peace and stability in the region.

As the protests in Kenya continue to escalate, it is crucial to examine the root causes behind this unrest and explore potential solutions to address the concerns of the people. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the complexities of this evolving situation on Inside Story.

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Video “What’s behind the widespread protests in Kenya? | Inside Story” was uploaded on 06/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English