In the heart of Kurdistan, northern Iraq, Erbil is home to a resilient Christian community that has survived centuries of persecution.
This documentary follows the journey of Rafedh and Arin, a young couple celebrating their wedding in Ain-Kawa, a Christian enclave in a predominantly Muslim region. Through their love, traditions, and unwavering faith, the film explores the struggles of Eastern Christians, from fleeing ISIS to preserving their heritage.
As ancient churches are desecrated and believers forced into exile, those who remain fight to rebuild their shattered communities, ensuring Christianity’s survival in the Middle East against all odds.
Director : Clément Dudouet
00:00 Catholic wedding in Iraq
4:44 The history of Eastern Christians
7:24 People are attached to this land
9:03 Iraqi special forces are everywhere
11:07 Ghost town
15:52 Nineveh Plains, massive destruction
17:00 By saving books, Father Najeeb fights Daesh
20:43 Dohuk the city of refuge for Christians
33:36 Erbil
40:44 Exodus of Eastern Christians
48:31 Maximum security for Mass
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Kurdistan :The Hunt for Christians” was uploaded on 02/26/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Ini adalah propaganda barat
Jika suatu negara penduduk nya moyoritas muslim maka penduduk non muslim pasti terjaga dengan aman dan nyaman , lihat lah di negara negara islam mereka non muslim sangat terjaga dengan aman
Tetapi sebalik nya jika negara mayoritas non muslim maka disitulah umat muslim terancam keselamatan dan ke amanan nya .. Ini adalah pakta
DEUS cuida da igreja perceguda
Ya ampun, wanitanya cantik cantik setara film India 😊
انا مسلم سابق اعترف بأن الدين الأسلامي وكتبهم يغذون الأرهاب وتطرف
Love Jesus ❤️
Amin ❤👃✝️
Tuhan Yesus akan selalu bersama orang-orang yang berharap kepada nya semoga damai sejahtera dari Tuhan Yesus memelihara kita semuanya Amin🤲🙏🙏😇😇
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku😇😇😇😇😇🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏🙏😭😭😭😭😭
The Lord Jesus reigns in heaven and on earth 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏
They are human beings, it is not necessary for them to be Christian in order for you to sympathize with them, and all human beings were created by one Lord, and He is the One Who establishes justice among them. You fall into the Arabs, and they are among the servants of God, and you live in luxury and your governments deceive you, and the Arabs will stand before God as a witness to your injustice and preventing them from drinking water and food and humiliating them and what you have reached in terms of perversion, and the Arabs will live with God, for God is compassionate towards those who created them as servants, and it is America, which occupied Iraq and destroyed them and left them without institutions, an army, education, and hospitals, and did not establish justice and spread sectarianism, and this is according to the teachings of Israel. We consider America a tyrant and arrogant in the world, and all the news is lying about it, and it is more criminal and more tyrannical than Russia and Korea, and whoever rules the world with the passage of time becomes a tyrant, and in the end he will perish there. God wrote everything and what will happen in the future to see what people will do and if they are righteous, and in the end the world will fall, but people are faster, they live seventy years and grow up quickly, and nations fell before you, and America’s first agreement was for the Arabs to stand with them, and with the passage of time the second condition became not to get close to nuclear, and with the passage of time the third condition became not to The Arab countries’ disobedience and their standing with the other, and with the passage of time, the fourth condition is the occupation of America and the overthrow of the Arab countries without the rest of the Arabs responding to it. And with the passage of time, the fifth condition is the occupation and America’s standing with its ally Israel and the killing of the inhabitants of an Arab country and depriving them of food and drink without the Arab countries speaking, as in the time of the Arabs when they had power, they did not fight the Jews and they were spread out in the Arab countries, and there was a leader named Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi who had a huge army that stood with the Jews and did not fight
They are all the same Religious group they don't know Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ
CHRISTIANITY will keep on growing… matter what or where….
Those who are doing evil like this aren't true Muslims
Jesus protect christians all over the world.
Christians peaceful religion
Lucifer is the islam God
Salam dalam Kasih Tuhan Yesus untuk saudarah🙏
05:20 Na początku XX wieku jedna na cztery osoby na Bliskim Wschodzie była chrześcijaninem. Dziś chrześcijaninem jest tylko jedna na 30.
Kelakuan Islam sangat kejam di seluruh Dunia haus darah
we pray for all christians allover the world, may peace be upon us all. we love you and we pray for your safety. from kenya east Africa
Почему только курдистаН . А чё тут не тоже самое. 2008 г. Сначала христианскую Грузию. Украину. Теперь грозятся на Армению. Так что план Турана не только в Курдистане выполняют 😢😢😢
Иисус с нами и нужно самое главное верить в любую веру они все прекрасны
In general… WHEN people all around this planet will understand one thing?! All true believers reaching the same "Him" or "Her". And there is no excuses anymore for judgment, negativity and so on and so on. Because chickens will live forever but you, the rest of the … will not. Love is love in any region, any language, any colour of the skin! Hate is dark! And that is not a good one darkness that belongs to the night and to the moon. Do not let judgments and stereotypes destroy, firstly, the nature and all aspects of it that is around you. Secondly, do not let to destroy other strong human beings who are not leeches nore the parasites. Make a good set where "unwanted guests" cannot dig nasty holes!
Wake up while water still is clear only in few rivers. Air – within few mountains. Wake up people!
P.S. And good luck to all of us.
I love jesus because he is moslem
Благословен веруйушие в Иисуса он будет судить мир….он жив он придет во славе скоро….
Berbahagialah orang yang teraniaya dalam nama kristus karena merekalah yang punya kerajaan surga !
Слава Иисусу Христу Богу нашему
أهالي عنكاوا تحية طيبة لكم كل الحب والاحترام انتم نموذج أخلاقي في كردستان
حيث يحل السلام أينما وجدة المسيحية
Diese Teufel sollen unsere Christen Brüder in Ruhe lassen!
Suatu saat semua akan di musnahkan bagi yang menganiaya orang kristen
Tuhan Yesus menderita demi menebus dosa seluruh umat manusia,. Begitupun kita pengikut Tuhan Yesus di seluruh dunia akan menanggung derita memikul Salib seperti Tuhan Yesus, dan Tuhan Yesus menjaminnya bahwa Dia Sang juru selamat, jalan Keslamatan kebenaran menuju Surga, percayalah sodaraku di seluruh dunia Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertai kalian semua,
Tuhan Yesus selalu menyertai semua orang Kristen di Irak Iran Syria dan seluruh Dunia
Salam dari Timor Indonesia buat sodaraku sekalian
The Lord Jesus suffered to atone for the sins of all mankind. Likewise, we followers of the Lord Jesus throughout the world will endure the suffering of carrying the Cross like the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus guarantees that He is the Savior, the path of salvation and truth to Heaven, believe me, my brothers throughout the world, the Lord Jesus is always with you all, The Lord Jesus is always with all Christians in Iraq, Iran, Syria and throughout the world Greetings from Timor Indonesia to all my friends
The religion of cult without Islam would be the world a better place
شيبيم ل مو لخلافي معا جولاني قتلو لعرقين وسورين وكل دويل يددم وقتلو لجيش سوري ولعراقين شوفو خلي جولاني جيمع دول يحكمون ميثل سوري ربع جوااني بس يشعب سوري يخاف من ذولي لمجريمن لسيعودي وقطر وبيقي لخيليج رفضم لتخلم يحكمون ،🦊🦊
يجتكم دولي ليسلامي وخلفت جولاني حتلو سوري. بعدين لعراق وبعدين ماصيرة ولاردن حتا تكمل بي مايسما دولي لصنمي شلون تقلون بشار يقتل دواعيش وسوتو مجرم وخلتم يحكمون ييتم وقبلو عل دولتم دم لبريا في لرقبكم لينكم ييتمم وقبلو عل خلافتم ،🦊🦊🦊💔💔
Preoții sunt îmbrăcați ca ortodocșii , sunteți oryodocși?, casă de piatră și fericire , să vă binecuvinteze Dumnezeu cu copii❤
I am an Indonesian who has personally experienced and witnessed discrimination against Christians in Indonesia. Examples include restrictions on worship, prohibitions on building churches, persecution of minority groups, and the destruction of Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist places of worship by Muslims. In addition to praying, we ask our friends for help in seeking international legal protection. The Indonesian government turns a blind eye to this discrimination.
Les Christine le sel de terre
Alhamdulillah i m Islam Indonesia 🇲🇨 love muslim ❤
Աստված օգնի իմ քրիստոնյ հայերին լոյսի ու հույսի դուռ բացի նրանց կյանքում :❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
My great grandfather was a Jewish Kurd from Iran (Kermansha), he lived there until the early 50's when he had to flee with his family (including my grandmother, as a kid) and they walked all the way to israel for their safety
하나님께서 주님의 자녀들을 지켜주시기를 예수님의 이름으로 기도합니다 아멘
Is this a truthful in ident
Bay2 😂😂😂😂😂