“Stand” is a gripping thriller that follows two American brothers who find themselves in a terrifying situation in the jungles of present-day Vietnam. Luke Albright and Luis Carazo deliver powerful performances as the brothers who are trapped on land mines left over from the Vietnam Conflict. As they struggle to survive, tensions rise and secrets are revealed, adding to the suspense of the film.
Director Cosmos Kiindarius crafts a tense and atmospheric film, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats as the brothers face their own mortality. The script, written by Spence Griffeth and Kiindarius, delves deep into the psychological effects of war and the struggle for survival in the face of danger.
The film is not only a gripping thriller, but also a thought-provoking drama that explores the lasting effects of war on individuals. Allen Lai rounds out the cast with a strong performance, adding to the intensity of the film.
“Stand” is a must-watch for fans of thrillers and dramas alike, offering a unique and gripping tale of survival and brotherhood amidst the haunting remnants of war. With subtitles available, the film is accessible to a wide audience, and will leave viewers talking long after the credits roll.
Watch the video by Cinéma Cinémas
Video “Stand (Thriller) Full Movie” was uploaded on 12/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéma Cinémas
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