Traditionally associated with celebrities or high-paid executives, cocaine used to be too expensive for most people. But in the past 30 years, the price has fallen by an estimated 80 – 90%. By lowering the price, traffickers have been able to expand the market. But how does it get from producer to consumer? What happens at each stage of its journey and who are the main links in the commodity chain? We follow the cocaine route from the jungles of Colombia to uptown Paris.
Awards Best Documentary Film Director for Thierry Gaytán (NYC International Film Festival 2014) Festivals NYC International Film Festival
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “The Cocaine Route – UNCENSORED” was uploaded on 02/19/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Dile no a las drogas y llegarás a viejo
ไม่เซนต์เซอร์แต่กูฟังไม่รู้เรื่อง อ่านก็อ่านไม่ทัน
So Pablo is practically behind bars already?!😂 He just gave out his entire operation for our entertainment.
Сходняк бездельников-потребителей-золотая молодежь-конченые отбросы общества:на войну в Украину😅
I seriously thought the personalised cap Tiger Woods wear is just for him till I saw the dealer with one on twenty two minutes.
So they made their own way to Venezuela, got there in three days and just happen to run into one of the men they were on the boat with???? Um, ok.
ทำไมเค้า ถึงVDOได้ ติดตามได้ เสี่ยงจัด
You make documentaries and narrated by this guy, I ll go to my village and convince everyone to subscribe to your channel. Bottom line is make it easy and fun to watch your documentaries.
Real very good 👍
"Food is expensive here" says the coca farmer. TRY PLANTING FOOD
Am tired of chico showing of his tiny small little gun
This documentary it's old
If there is Demand, will be supply… economy 101. If the " first world countries" keep paying astronomical amounts of money for it, no matter how hard the producer countries fight this war (taking many lives in the process), there will be always someone that will find a way to supply it and make money out of it… How can ´people consume a product that costed so many lives just for fun?… that is absolutely selfish.
من فقط در عجبم چطور این همه علم پیشرفت کرده یه دارویی بسازن که رو مواد بریزن تا سگ ها نتونن بو کنن . میشه به فکر کسی خطور نکرده باشه این سگها خیلی بزن😂
En medellin un gramo cuesta 5000 pesos colombianos
No se olviden que hay 9 baces de eeuu
از تقطیر اون مایع هم مبتونن به چیز خوبی برسن 😁😁😁
چطوری اجازه دادن که فیلم بگیری داخل ایران چنین مستندی بسازی از پاها اویزان میشوی و به سیبل گلوله تبدیل میشوی در اخر به عنوان صافی ابکش سوراخ سوراخ میشی
another episode journalist in secret life style movie title
burst laugh
I'm lost, what do these people have to gain from showing of their ILLEGAL operation?
el de la camioneta es Álvaro Uribe veles
so people be sniffing petrol… nice to know
A tiny operation like the is hardly “The Cocaine road”.
That Chico guy is a liability …the Big Boss is a fool to have a smack head in charge of his operation … that geezer is gonna pinched or d ea d
Ternyata dibuat dicampur semen dan macam macam racun,mengerikan
The interviewer asks some really dumb questions …. Are u a hired killer ? Im surprised they let him anywhere near them
Corny press