The US Military Finishes Pulling Out of Final Base in Niger

The US Military Finishes Pulling Out of Final Base in Niger

After years of operating in Niger, the US military has officially completed its withdrawal from its last remaining base in the country. This move marks the end of an era for American counterterrorism operations in Niger, as the base served as a crucial hub for these operations.

The handover of the base to local authorities was announced in a joint statement by the U.S. Department of Defense and Niger’s Ministry of Defense. This decision comes amidst a broader reevaluation of US military presence in Africa, as the Biden administration has been reviewing its counterterrorism strategy in the region.

Niger has been an important partner for the US in its efforts to combat terrorism in the Sahel region, particularly against groups such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara. The presence of US forces in the country has been aimed at training and advising local forces in their fight against these extremist groups.

While the withdrawal of US troops from Niger’s last base may signify a shift in US military strategy in the region, it also highlights the growing capabilities of Nigerien security forces. The handover of the base to local authorities is seen as a sign of trust in their ability to continue the fight against terrorism on their own.

Overall, the completion of the US military withdrawal from Niger’s last base marks a significant milestone in the evolving partnership between the two countries in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel region.

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Video “US military completes withdrawal from last base in Niger • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 08/08/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English