The War on Press Freedom in Myanmar: Silenced or Killed – Video

The War on Press Freedom in Myanmar: Silenced or Killed – Video

In many parts of the world, journalism is a dangerous profession. Reporters Against Power follows investigative journalists risking their lives to expose corruption and oppression, particularly in Myanmar, where press freedom is under siege.
Through gripping firsthand accounts, the film unveils the threats, arrests, and violence faced by those who dare to report the truth.
As democracy erodes and dictatorship tightens its grip, these fearless reporters continue their fight, proving that information remains the most powerful weapon against tyranny.
Reporters Against Power is a tribute to those who risk everything to defend the truth.

Original Title : Reporters Against Power – Episode 4 : Myanmar
Director : Kees Schaap
Production : Anja van Oostrom, Joanne Becker

Watch the video by Best Documentary

Video “Silenced or Killed : The War on Press Freedom in Myanmar” was uploaded on 02/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary