The WSJ: China’s Megadams in Remote Area Pose Significant Risks

The WSJ: China’s Megadams in Remote Area Pose Significant Risks

China’s Risky New Megadams Lie in One of the World’s Most Remote Places

China is in the process of constructing a massive network of dams along its longest river, the Yangtze, in an ambitious effort to increase its hydropower capacity. These megadams have the potential to generate enough electricity to power millions of homes, but the project is not without its risks.

Located in one of the world’s most remote areas, in the southwestern province of Yunnan, these dams are being built in extreme conditions, with challenging terrain and limited access. This makes construction particularly difficult and raises concerns about the safety and sustainability of the project.

Environmental activists have also raised alarms about the potential impact of the dams on local ecosystems and endangered species, as well as the displacement of communities living in the area. The construction of these megadams could have far-reaching consequences for the biodiversity and natural resources of the region.

Despite these concerns, China is pressing ahead with its plans to expand its hydropower capacity, as it seeks to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and meet growing energy demands. The country already generates a significant portion of its electricity from hydropower, and the construction of these new dams will only increase that amount.

As China moves forward with its ambitious project, it will be important for the government to carefully consider the environmental and social impacts of the dams, and to implement measures to mitigate any negative consequences. The stakes are high for both China and the global community, as the construction of these megadams could have wide-ranging effects on the environment and local communities.

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Video “China’s Risky New Megadams Lie in One of the World’s Most Remote Places | WSJ” was uploaded on 09/05/2024 to Youtube Channel The Wall Street Journal