TikTok features a child marriage survivor sharing her story – Video

TikTok features a child marriage survivor sharing her story – Video

Brittany Bee, also known as Brittany on TikTok, bravely shares her harrowing story as a child marriage survivor in the United States. Her courage in speaking out sheds light on the serious issue of child marriage that continues to exist in our society.

In 2024, shockingly, there are only 12 U.S. states that prohibit marriage for individuals under the age of 18, with no exceptions allowed, such as pregnancy or parental consent. This legal loophole leaves vulnerable young individuals, like Brittany, at risk of being forced into marriages against their will.

Brittany’s story mirrors that of Fraidy Reiss, who was coerced into marriage as a teen in New York. Inspired by her own experience, Reiss founded Unchained at Last, a charity that supports survivors of child marriage and advocates for changes in legislation to protect others from experiencing the same trauma.

Through sharing her story on TikTok, Brittany is not only raising awareness about the issue but also empowering other survivors to speak out and seek help. Her courage and resilience serve as a beacon of hope for those who have endured similar hardships.

As we listen to Brittany’s powerful message, may we be inspired to join the fight against child marriage and work towards creating a safer and more just world for all.

Watch the video by Inside Edition

Video “Child Marriage Survivor Tells Her Story on TikTok” was uploaded on 06/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition