“To the Ends of the Earth” is a captivating film that tells the story of Henry, a young FBI agent who returns home after three years to find his mother, Marty, transformed into a stunningly beautiful woman. As if this isn’t enough of a shock, Marty soon becomes involved with a charming and enigmatic foreigner, adding another layer of mystery to Henry’s already tumultuous homecoming.
The film boasts a talented cast, including Dick Powell, Maylia, and Signe Hasso, who bring their characters to life with skill and depth. Powell shines as the conflicted FBI agent, grappling with the complexities of his family dynamics and the unexpected changes within his home. Maylia captivates as Marty, showcasing a range of emotions as she navigates her evolving relationships. Meanwhile, Hasso brings a sense of intrigue and sophistication to the role of the mysterious foreigner, adding an air of tension to the unfolding drama.
Directed with finesse and style, “To the Ends of the Earth” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the story unfolds, unveiling secrets and surprises along the way. With a script that is both engaging and thought-provoking, the film explores themes of family, love, and personal growth, making it a compelling watch from start to finish.
Overall, “To the Ends of the Earth” is a must-see for fans of mystery and drama, offering a blend of intrigue, romance, and suspense that is sure to captivate audiences of all ages. With its talented cast, skilled direction, and engaging storyline, this film is a true gem that is not to be missed.
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Video “To the Ends of the Earth FULL MOVIE | (Dick Powell, Maylia, Signe Hasso) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 03/02/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Remember “Don’t be a child” a bit of foreshadowing .. excellent .
Those poor camels! What disgusting means drug manufacturers & dealers will go to…
Well, I like to think that I can solve ANY plot well before the movie reaches half way, but THIS ONE had me guessing right up to the end! Crazy! What a great job of writing – we certainly can't get these type of stories anymore. I wish my children weren't so biased against b&w movies as well as ANYTHING that's not current. They're in their mid thirties now and I sure wish I could share some of these with them! If I could just get past that wall, they'd have an entire generation+ worth of movies and shows to TRULY enjoy👍😍 Thanks for your commitment to share what could otherwise become lost to all! 💕
An All-time Classic!!
Great film full of intrigue and suspense with a complicated plot full of twists and turns. Really worth seeing.
Excellent propaganda film .
What a movie! The ending, sad for him, but he took it like the man he was!
My curiosity is a bit uneasy; my last name is same as this girls moniker! 😮🤭😳
I was expecting a film noir, not propaganda. What a waste of talent.
excellent movie
sound is really low
it appears as if Dick Powell always can pull just 1 smoke out of pocket, always on the ready for him. This is an intriguing movie, always seem to gather something new whenever it's watched again…
How times and attitudes have changed
The original Breaking Bad, but the good guys win (mod Anslinger being a real prick)
Anslinger was a horror.
Dick Powell was a terrific actor i truly enjoy watching all his movies he was fabulous thank u mr dick Powell rip❤❤❤❤
Rickshaw can be wunnerfull climate change green vehicle. Need more of these in downtown LA, wiith side door Johnny vest the puller
Unique way to handle newcomers, oye vey
Vladimir Sokolof was really an enjoyable character along with all of the rest. I remember him from many other movies.
The international recognition of the problem a hundred years ago with no real progress to date tells us how corruptible people are and always have been.
Truly, a very good movie. Quite surprised at the end. Thank You for sharing
Very similar to "The House On 92nd Street" with Signe Hasso except international narcotics instead of espionage but with a different trick ending. Good movie.
Q: How can the department of treasury be a "whom"? Shouldn't that have been "which"?
The wonderful character actor Vladimir Sokoloff (doing yellow-face. Well, those were the times)
No comment in the narration about trying to rescue, or the impossibility of rescuing, the chained men tossed off the boat to drown?
Good 😊
After watching this film twice I caught the clue of Jean Hawkes' identity at 41:29 A good who dun it. But in the ending Powell doesn't mention it.
This could be GREAT Indiana Jones story! Only need to add a few more action scenes, and away you go!!!
What a brainwash hogwash. Guess who are the most vicious, ruthless opium & heroin pushers in the world?
Next time put paper pad inside your breast pocket
Dick Powell died of lung cancer….cigarettes
Enjoyed the movie. But will not be subscribing. I will not watch movies with commercials.
A really Super, well-written film traversing a complex, entangling plot that I haven't enjoyed in years. THX Stream City = 👌
There was just the right amount of the classic 1940s style G-Man Narration format to insightfully move the plot along by Dick Powell.
I had forgotten what a truly clever and unpredictable ending this little gem offered!!! 😎
In today's TOTALLY Globalized world of goods shipping, stopping the drug trade is nearly impossible, since ports like NYC alone receive up to 5,000 cargo containers aboard ships DAILY…. 😱
I really like dick,Powell movies, everything from 42nd St., to the time he went into detective mode and gangster mode like in Johnny o’clock. He has a suave cool under pressure confidence it comes across in his films. It’s hard to believe his wife tried to talk him out of doing the film noir type movies because she thought it would hurt his career. I find his character as believable as Bogart And just as convincing as Garfield..
and one bit of information that got my attention was, that he worked in Pittsburgh, as the MC at some of the theaters like the Nixon theater before he got into show business. Pittsburgh back, then had a lot of modern advances. They had the very first commercial radio station in the world that is still in operation today, the first commercial television station in the world, both thanks to George Westinghouse, he and Nikola Tesla, created what we have today, the national electric grid with AC power instead of DC power that Thomas Edison wanted to make the electric grid out of. If that were true, we would need to have a power station in every square mile of every city if we went to DC. Thank goodness Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse knew better.
but although Andrew Carnegie‘s partner, frick, of pond, first, arriving in Pittsburgh, described it as “hell with the lid off “because of the steel mills going 24 seven creating a lot of smoke. It’s surprising that people like DickPowell. and no relation, William Powell, Lena, Horne, even frank Gershon, Jeff Goldblum, John Hodiak, James Stewart and Clark Gable also are from nearby, Pittsburgh as well as Dean Martin. It’s nice to see people that made it big coming from humble beginnings in the industrial steel City..
Not surprised Dick died of cancer so young, but sadly, heavy smoking did for him. I was such a keen fan too. so I felt his death very much. England, March, 2024.
My question is, why hasn't this brilliant crime film not talked about more? This should rank among the greatest crime films of all time. Especially when so many crime and film noir films were made at this time.
Good English director , Robert Stevenson.
Great flick. Beginning made me think it was one kind of film but it kept getting better. Good ending. That's the hardest part – writing a great ending. So much has been done it's hard to make something seem fresh and captivating. They did it in this film.
Great movie – reminds me of Casablanca – thanks for posting and stay safe! 😊
A great movie with many twists and turns. Entertaining.