Top 20 Songs Misattributed to Artists – Video

Top 20 Songs Misattributed to Artists – Video

Do you ever find yourself singing along to a song, only to realize that the artist who you thought was performing it is actually someone completely different? Well, you’re not alone! This video by WatchMojo titled “Top 20 Songs People Think Are By Someone Else” showcases some iconic tunes that have left people scratching their heads.

From the catchy chorus of “Stitches” to the rebellious anthem “Cum On Feel the Noize”, these songs have been mistakenly attributed to artists who didn’t actually sing them. Other tracks like “Black Betty” and “Stuck in the Middle with You” also make the list, leaving viewers shocked to learn the true performers behind these classics.

If you’re a music lover who enjoys uncovering the mysteries behind popular songs, this video is a must-watch. Who knows, you might just discover that your favorite tune was actually sung by a different artist altogether. So sit back, relax, and prepare to have your mind blown as WatchMojo reveals the true identities behind these beloved tracks.

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Video “Top 20 Songs People Think Are By Someone Else” was uploaded on 04/05/2024 to Youtube Channel