“Burn” is a gripping action thriller that follows the story of a hit man who must save his younger brother after he commits a serious crime. Directed by Patrick Lazzara and starring Kristen Baranano, Dawn Barber, and Donnie Blankenship, the film is packed with suspense, danger, and moral dilemmas that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
The protagonist is faced with a race against time as he tries to find his brother and help him escape town before a professional hit man catches up with them. Family loyalty is put to the test as the characters navigate through dangerous situations to save their lives.
As a cinephile, “Burn” offers a perfect blend of thrills, action, and crime elements that make it a must-watch for fans of the genre. With a talented cast and a compelling storyline, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on viewers. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the adrenaline-pumping ride that “Burn” has to offer.
Watch the video by Kinopower
Video “Best Action Thriller🎬Burn🎬Full Movies in English” was uploaded on 02/25/2025 to Youtube Channel Kinopower
watching from the Philippines
How's it, shit or what?
What hitman drives a shitty precipoos.
nice movie❤
Great movie,well worth watching
꧁꧂سبحــان الله ، الحمد لله ، لا إلــه إلا الله ، لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله ، والله أكبر꧁꧂
꧁꧂لا إلـــــــه إلا أنت ســــبــحـــــانــك إنــــا كـــــنــا مــــن الــظـــــــالـــمــيــن꧁꧂
꧁꧂الــلــــهـــم صـــــل وســـــلــم وبـــارك عـــلـــى نــبــيــــنــا مـــحــــمــــدﷺ꧁꧂
꧁꧂إنــا لـلـه وإنــا إلــيـه راجــعــون ، حــــســـبـنــا الـلـه ونــعـــم الــــوكــــيــل꧁꧂
꧁꧂ربــــنــا اغـــــفـــرلــي ولــوالـــدي ولـلـمـسـلـمـيـن يـوم يـقــوم الــحــســاب꧁꧂
꧁꧂الـلـهـم بلـغـنــا رمـضـان ، ووفقنا فيه لطـاعـتـك ، وأعـتق رقابنا من النيران꧁꧂
Born Burn what is this Word really my freind
Good movie great OK 👌
who care from were u are watching? just your opignion for the movie, ok.
Load of shit
1-10 I give 5 points
Ăștia nu fac nimic altceva decît vorbesc și se FXX
I was fooled by the photo of this girl, she was just looking at it, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.😂😂
this is some kind of story😢
Slow moving, confusing in places, however with a twist in the end
I nearly give up to watching this FUCK ..FUCK..FUCK..film …all I have to listening from this film more than 1,000 FUCK words times..bad script bad ot …nonsense ..if you like to be a god script for good plot ..stop to uuse this WORDS FUCK FUCK FUCK full of my eyes …horrible no grade to give for this stupid film ..bye 👎💥😡💥👎😳
A dormir!!!!!