Trade and tariff policies spark debate between Trump and Harris during debate • FRANCE 24 English

Trade and tariff policies spark debate between Trump and Harris during debate • FRANCE 24 English

During the recent US presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump engaged in a heated exchange over their respective trade and tariff policies. The two candidates offered starkly different visions for how they plan to approach foreign trade, particularly in relation to China.

Harris advocated for a more diplomatic approach, emphasizing the importance of engaging with China through negotiation and dialogue. She expressed the need to work with other countries to create a unified front against China’s trade practices, including implementing targeted tariffs to address specific issues. Harris also highlighted the importance of investing in domestic industries and supporting American workers in order to strengthen the US economy.

On the other hand, Trump took a more confrontational stance, advocating for a more aggressive approach towards China. He emphasized the need to impose strict tariffs on Chinese imports in order to address what he perceives as unfair trade practices. Trump also reiterated his commitment to prioritizing American businesses and workers, arguing that his policies would lead to job creation and economic growth.

FRANCE 24’s Eliza Herbert outlined the candidates’ plans to improve the US economy and the lives of ordinary Americans. The debate highlighted the deep ideological divide between Harris and Trump on issues of trade and tariffs, with each candidate presenting contrasting visions for America’s economic future. Voters will have to weigh these differing perspectives as they consider their choice for the next president of the United States.

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Video “Trump, Harris clash on trade and tariff policies during debate • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/11/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English