Welcome to our kitchen, where we share the rich culinary traditions of Azerbaijan with you, our dear friends. Today, we are excited to present to you the time-honored recipe of Turş Kabab, a dish that beautifully marries tender meat with the natural goodness of eggplant.
Inspired by the revered “Ağababa Ağababa” YouTube page, this dish is a true emblem of southern Azerbaijani cuisine, steeped in history and bursting with authentic flavors. Join us on a journey through the essence of Turş Kabab, where traditional techniques and carefully selected ingredients come together to create a meal that is rustic and deeply satisfying.
In our video, you will witness the beauty of village cooking: the aroma of slowly cooked meat, the delicate frying of eggplant, and the harmonious blend of spices that elevate the dish to new heights. This recipe is perfect for those who appreciate exploring traditional flavors and savoring the tastes of heritage cooking without the need for detailed measurements.
So sit back, relax, and let us transport you to a world where food is not just nourishment, but a celebration of culture, history, and love. Be sure to like, comment, and stay tuned for more culinary adventures and authentic experiences from our kitchen to yours.
And now, without further ado, let us unveil the ingredients and instructions for Turş Kabab:
– 500g of diced meat
– 2 large eggplants, sliced
– 1 onion, finely chopped
– 2 tomatoes, diced
– 3 cloves of garlic, minced
– 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
– Salt, pepper, and your choice of spices
– Oil for frying
1. In a pan, heat some oil and sauté the onions until translucent.
2. Add the meat and brown on all sides.
3. Stir in the tomatoes, garlic, tomato paste, and spices. Let simmer for 10 minutes.
4. In a separate pan, fry the eggplant slices until golden brown.
5. Layer the meat mixture and eggplant slices in a baking dish.
6. Cover and bake in the oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.
7. Serve hot and enjoy the rich flavors of Turş Kabab.
We hope this recipe brings a taste of Azerbaijani heritage to your table and fills your home with the warmth and love of traditional cooking. Thank you for joining us on this culinary journey, and we look forward to sharing more delicious recipes with you in the future. Bon appétit!
Watch the video by Kənd Həyatı
Video “Turş Kabab | A Time Honored Eggplant & Meat Recipe” was uploaded on 03/16/2025 to Youtube Channel Kənd Həyatı
Hello, you have a very cozy home, and your cooking is just amazing. I was watching Mr. Pejman Channel (Nomad) where he built a hut up in the Zagros Mountains with his uncle. The landscape of Iran is just simply breathtaking and beautiful. Your Video was up next, so I click on it and now I am watching your country life vlog. So today I subscribed to your Channel and also Mr. Pejman Channel. I will be looking forward for your next video.
ماشاءالله الله يعطيكم الصحه والعافيه يارب
مبارك عليكم باقي الشهر رمضان تحياتي لك ❤❤❤❤
Rabbi Rahimim ne güzel yaratmış sizleri aile olarak. Huzur hakim. Çiftlik hayatı, kendi kendine yetebilen bir hayatı tam olarak temsil ediyorsunuz… Hanımefendi; maharetli leziz yemekleri kolayca pişirdi. Beyfendi de fide dikimi yapıyor mart ayı olduğundan… MaaşEllah.
Ve ezan sesi, milli marşımızın şu kıtasını okuttu:
Ruhumun senden, İlahi, şudur ancak emeli: Değmesin mabedimin göğsüne namahrem eli.
Bu ezanlar
ki şahadetleri dini temeliEbedi yurdumun üstünde benim inlemeli.
Milli şairimiz;
Mehmet Akif ERSOY…
Can Azerbaycan.💐
Азиза такая красота природы очередное видео это подарок Вы удивительная семья Да хранит Вас Аллах🙋🇰🇿🙏
Суперррр АЗИЗА ХАНУМ еллерине саглыг🎉🎉🎉 Оператор суперсен ❤❤❤😂❤❤❤
Καλησπέρα από Αθήνα Ελλάδα ,αγαπημένοι μου Επιτέλους,Άνοιξη.Εφερε τα όμορφα φυτά ο σύζυγος για να φτιάξει,έναν υπέροχο κήπο.Τι όμορφη σούπα,που μαγειρέψατε.Εχουμε κι εμείς ένα παρόμοιο φαγητό,τα γιουβαρλάκια.Οπως πάντα όλα τόσο όμορφα,γαλήνια.Να είστε πάντα καλά!!!!
Спасибо за видео,очень интересный рецепт ❤хозяйка просто восторг и уважеие🎉🎉🎉
Everything looks delicious 😋 many blessings 🙏🏻
Harika bi yemek afiyet olsun çifliğinizde sağlıklı huzurlu yaşayın inşallah ankaradan selâmlar herkese sevgiler saygılar caaannn kardeşlerimmm 🤲♥️😋👍🙋♀️🇦🇿🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇷
The prayer’s call makes you feel live in peace and quiet world
اصدقائي الاعزاء السلام عليكم ورحمه تحياتي لكم بلخير والعافيه أدعو ربي يحفظكم ويرعاكم ويحميكم واشكركم على هذه الفيديوهات الجميله وانتم اجمل ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
As always such a beautiful video of wonderful people. Always makes me feel better while recovering from illness, far better than any medicine We are going to try to plant flowers as your dad does around our home in containers from old barn. Your Mom is just the most amazing cook! They treat all animals with such love! Please keep these beautiful videos coming, can't wait for the next.
Вкуснятина! Какая красота, солнце, природа, двор, цветы, дедушка уже поливает) у нас уж снег расстаял, тоже жду тепло, и начну парником заниматься) дедушка, бабушка, я вас ждала, уж соскучилась) бабушка, рис, как всегда, ну такой красивый! Бабушка и дедушка здоровья вам крепкого! Берегите себя! Я вас очень люблю и обожаю! ❤❤❤
Nice video.Thanks
Onoknel mar ugy latom tavasz van, nagyszeru !
الله يعطيكي العافية عاالكباب اللذيذ نشاله صحه وهنا❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👌👌
What's Angora please?
Both working hard today….some great shots and love the video…..food looks good….Blessings and good health for family…
Olá,linda família do belo Azerbaijão,que lindo dia de primavera 💐ahahah o pássaro é tão engraçado 😂.
É hora de plantar,os animais são lindos,andam ao solinho.
Essa montanha é lindíssima ❤
D.AZIZA que delícia 😋obrigado por partilhar essa beleza e a vossa culinária espectacular,saudações de Lisboa ❤🎉
Вот это сытное блюдо! Никогда про такое не слышала. Перед тем, как смотреть видео, специально поела, но это не помогло – каждое блюдо Азизы вызывает приступ невероятного аппетита!😄Зато теперь знаю, что такое абгора (специально пришлось смотреть в Google). Это терпкий сок незрелого винограда. Употребляется вместо уксуса. А в саду опять ярко и весело, цветы цветут, вся живность радостно греется на солнышке! 🐱🐇🏵🥀🌺☘
Selam alekum ablla haziza,gruaja madheshtore e palodhur.cdo gje qe egziston ne dynja ,gjindet ne shtepin tuaj,🧿me pun esht kjo arritje se zoti ste jep asgje pa' Pune .vertet lodhesh por je e knaqur per punen qe beni ,burre e grua.un te perqafoj nga 🇦🇱 dhe te urojbaresi ne kte muaj te shenjt te ramazanit e te jeni Mir te gjith ishalla me shendet .🙏🙏🤝🌟🫶🤲🧿💯
Boa tarde, amo os pratos que você faz ,são maravilhosos d saborosos, tudo .na sua casa é lindo.felicidades.❤
Tomará que esse gato não cresce nem engorda dentro dessa botija 😂😂😂
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته. أقسم بالذي أحل قسمه الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد أن قناتكي تحفة هي الأجمل والراقية والرائعة الإسلامية والعربية والعالمية زادتها طيبة وجمال مآ أحلاها لجمالها وجذابة تستحق المتابعة للآخر بكل صدق وإخلاص تجعل كل من يراها في الحين ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن الرحيم أحسن الخالقين وكفى به نعمة. جدة فوق الأرض ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله. ربنا يبارك فيكم ويحفظكم ويرعاكم ويسدد خطاكم وينير طريقكم أينما كنتم فين وأينما تولوا فثم وجه الله ويستجيب الدعاء ويرضى عنكم حتى ترضوا آمين يآرب العالمين. رمضان كريم ومبارك إن شاء الله🌙🤲💫
Peki yaptığını ürünlerden satıyomusunuz çok fazla yemek oluyo veya kalabalık bir ailesisiniz kaç kişi yaşıyorsunuz selamlar❤
Boa tarde amada uma boa semana abençoada pra nós
ماشاء الله
Ramazan ayınız mubarek olsun aziza teyze. Ellerinizden öperim. Maşallah berekallah size. Türkiye den selamlar.
I have to admit…that looks like a delicious meal…lot of work & steps…I’m just going to fry my eggplant, with my ground beef & maybe add some pasta sauce. That was kind of a different pilaf. But everything combined looked really good. I love the way she puts things together ❤️
Hola buenas tardes Familia que hermoso ese pajaro como se llama ..o..que clase de ave ..es esta muy domesticado parese humano lo ..amo todo lo que hace y me gusta mucho su cultura .. y costumbres desde ..Costa Rica muchas bendiciones ..🎉🎉❤❤❤
Dzień dobry. Bardzo przyjemnie się ogląda Wasze codzienne gotowanie i inne prace. Przybywają nowe koty i króliki. A brakuje mi białego i rudego psa i starego królika. Co się z nimi stało? Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
After all of Dad's hard work, he gets to come home to the world's most fantastic cook! How awesome would that be? Also, don't forget her son, who made this amazing video.
صوت الاذان يعطي السلام والسكينه لروح
Beautiful village. Very neat. I love you what you cook
What a beautiful dish. What kind of rice is used, looks like the grains are very long? Many thanks. Karla in Cali.
Good afternoon my friends God Bless Yous Thanks Your so much for this Video
Весна! Куча работы на усадьбе!Обновление природы и посуда новая! 👍🏼
Hello. What a lot of components to that amazing eggplant dish. And then the saffron rice. It looked so good. Lots to keep track of while cooking. Loved it.
Дуже атмосферне відео! Хоч я і не їм м’яса, але з задоволенням переглядаю ваші ролики. Поєднання смачних страв, мальовничої природи та милих домашніх тварин створює особливу теплу атмосферу. Дякую за вашу працю – це справжнє естетичне задоволення! 🌹🤗👍👍👍 28:01
احب الاواني التي تطبخ بيها الخالة عزيزة 👍👍🫶🏼🫶🏼
The sound of the call to prayer in the background sounds very beautiful. ❤️
Patlıcanlı yemeği ilk kez gördüm. Ama çok leziz görünüyor. Çok doyurucu ve farklı. Belkide annenizin yaratıcılığıdır ne dersiniz? 😊😊😊😊selam ve sevgilerimle..
كل الهلة بالام الغالية شلون صحتج حبيبتي ما شا الله تبارك الرحمن ع جمال هاي الأرض الطيبةاللة يبارك بيه❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Good good afternoon from your friend in Ohio. What a perfect day to see what you’re making because I just bought eggplant & I cooked some beef & onions. I’m sure your meal preparation will be delicious as always….❤❤