In the Lost Lands is a thrilling new action movie set in a mystical land where a queen seeks the power of shape-shifting. To achieve her goal, she enlists the help of the formidable sorceress Gray Alys, known for her strength and fearlessness. Along with her companion, the mysterious Boyce, Alys embarks on a dangerous journey to the eerie Lost Lands, where they must navigate through treacherous obstacles and face both human and supernatural foes.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a captivating adventure that delves into themes of morality, sacrifice, and the complexities of love and loss. With a stellar cast including Milla Jovovich, Dave Bautista, and Arly Jover, In the Lost Lands promises to be an exhilarating cinematic experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Don’t miss out on this epic tale of courage and destiny – watch In the Lost Lands in theaters on 7th March 2025. Subscribe for more updates and be prepared to be transported to a world where magic and danger collide.
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Video “IN THE LOST LANDS Trailer (2025) Dave Bautista, Milla Jovovich” was uploaded on 01/08/2025 to Youtube Channel
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