In the upcoming series Zero Day (2025), we are taken into a world where a catastrophic cyber attack has rocked the nation, leaving devastation and death in its wake. Robert De Niro leads the cast as George Mullen, the former U.S. President who now heads the Zero Day Commission tasked with uncovering the truth behind the attack and bringing the perpetrators to justice. As chaos reigns and tensions run high, Mullen and his team, including Angela Bassett and Jesse Plemons, must navigate a dangerous landscape of politics, technology, and conspiracy.
With high stakes and gripping suspense, Zero Day promises to be a thrilling ride from start to finish. As the clock ticks down and the true nature of the attack is revealed, Mullen and his team will stop at nothing to protect the country and uncover the truth behind this devastating event. Don’t miss Zero Day, streaming on Netflix from February 20th, 2025. Subscribe now for more updates and mark your calendars for this must-watch series.
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Video “ZERO DAY Trailer (2025) Robert De Niro, Netflix” was uploaded on 12/23/2024 to Youtube Channel
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