In the midst of escalating tensions with Russia, Sweden’s military strategy has undergone a significant shift to prepare for a potential invasion. The focus is on the strategically located island of Gotland, where troops are conducting training exercises and preparing defenses to repel potential invaders.
Gotland, as NATO’s newest member, finds itself on the front lines of a shadow war in the Baltic Sea, where critical subsea cables are at risk. Civilian bomb shelters, originally built during the Cold War, are being readied for potential use as tensions continue to rise.
Journalist Sune Engel Rasmussen visited Gotland to witness firsthand the radical transformation taking place on the island. Training exercises, construction projects, and the impact on the local community are all explored in his report. The mayor of Gotland shares insights into the changes occurring on the island and how they are affecting residents.
One of the key concerns for Sweden and NATO is the protection of subsea cables in the Baltic Sea. These cables are crucial for communication and internet connectivity, making them a potential target for hostile forces. The defense of these cables is a top priority for military planners in the region.
The new defenses on Gotland have divided opinion among locals, with some welcoming the increased security measures and others expressing concerns about the impact on daily life. As tensions with Russia continue to simmer, the importance of preparedness and vigilance on the island of Gotland has never been greater.
Watch the video by The Wall Street Journal
Video “How NATO’s Most Strategic Island Trains for a Russian Invasion | WSJ” was uploaded on 03/03/2025 to Youtube Channel The Wall Street Journal
Sweden Is Doomed. They should have asked America to buy 100s of F-35s and Bought at least 2,000 Main battle Tanks from America or maybe 5,000 Tanks from America if they could have and built Self-Propelled Artillery and started building ammunition for it. Sweden would have been better off if they asked America: Can I have 200-300F-35s within 16 yea? Nd Sweden should have focused on Either buying or manufacturing 6,000 Main battle tanks and Missile launchers like surface to air missiles.
You can see Sweden has an old population, and they are doomed. They had 3 years to prepare for a Small conflict on their board, but If they had thousands of Main battle tanks, that would be a strong defense. Itt seems they are doomed and not prepared, and I have seen American Bunkers more prepared ThanSwedishn bunkers. As Americans, many of us are gun owners and believe in being Preppers.
Weird seeing this come out as the President is leading us right into the welcoming arms of Russia and the Axis powers…
Trump saying he wants Greenland via military is just bolster. Its part of his Art of the Deal method. Its a way to entice consideration and and bring parties to the negotiating table.
If Russia can’t project armed forces a few hundred miles to take over a military airport near Kiev, how can they hope to conquer Gotland beyond 1-3 weeks? Would be tough on civilians given Russian record in Ukraine.
PS – Putin has done wonders for promoting service in Sweden’s armed services
PS2 — hopefully Russia won’t be tempted into doing something really stupid.
Soldiers looking great! ❤️
russia will never be able to do an amphibious landing, don't worry
Gosh, how do you manage to look at a map and not see the obvious? “If Russia attacks…” – there are other countries closer to this island, not Russia. “Baltic countries will be cut off” – there are Finland, Sweden and Norway nearby – what ‘cut off’ are we talking about?!
Wall Street Journal FOXNEWS has been attacking Democracy for the last 8 years. Every WSJ employee is complicit in the attack on Democracy.
By supporting Trump and Vance and Musk, WSJ is complicit in helping Putin.
How stupid can WSJ be for showing the enemy this training
It's a lovely video, but it might have needed a bit more research,
Gotland isn't tiny,
There are no "mayors" in Sweden, Meit Fohlin is "Ledamot regionfullmäktige, ordförande regionstyrelsen, regionråd."
The "kommun" or municipality has little to no impact on military presence.
Consider this danger. us, russia and china invade Europe, Canada and Mexico. Far fetched? I think not.
are they really complaining about the noise? lol
Surprised to see some Swedes in Sweden.
World War 3 here we come.. 😅
"Is Gottland big?"
"As an island, no. As an aircraft carrier you cannot sink? Yes"
Things we dont know about .But with journalism we are more aware what russia can do
Those who forget History are destined to repeat it.
As a Swede, I hope you hold my feminist leaders accountable for their incompetence. Help us help ourselves. They have totally failed to keep us safe, both from threats from within as from without.
how? wsj either rented space or bought an island where sune stands there directing action rehearsals which you will see soon in future
To show a hand picked local that talked negative about a world leader and election was an unprofessional move that showed bias. It can be guaranteed, no effort was made to find someone that had the opposite view. Classless….
Thank you Wall Street Journal for reporting on these things. Warm greetings from Czechia to all decent conservative people. 🌞
There is no Nato with the insane traitors in US office, Trump is total putin puppet
Tiny? Gotland is like a fifth of the area of Denmark 😊 No hate, love you danes, finally together in Nato!
The war is between the oligarchs of both sides. The killing is between the working class of both sides who have no reason to hate each other
The war is between the oligarchs of both sides. The killing is between the working class of both sides who have no reason to hate each other
Poland (and NATO) likely has a plan to take control of Kaliningrad once a shooting war starts.
Вы допрыгаетесь – океан не спасёт. Привет из Сибири.
1:35 my god.. if russia attack nato, they will attack baltic states first, not gotland
If you think its unfair they only interviewed people who disliked Trump or supported Kamla Harris: Good luck finding anyone in Sweden who supports Trump!
79% of people prefered Harris and only 12% of people prefered Trump as of 31 October 2024. And trust me, Trumps baby rage about Greenland, Panama, Canada, Nato, Ukraine, Zelensky, USAID, etc. has not helped!
All these Swedes whining about Trump. It amazes me how all these foreign countries go so weak they want the US to protect them rather than defend themselves…
I really have to ask myself whether it is Europe and NATO that really want war?
its good to prepare- but at the same time, russia cannot win from the Ukraine, how could they take on NATO too?
SUNE ENGEL RASMUSSEN: if you feel the urgent need to display your name 4 times in a 7 min piece, make sure you deliver some quality. “Tiny” Gotland, confusing Gotland with Grønland, … and 2:06 — if Russia really invaded Gotland (NATO territory), who would care about the exclusive economic zone of the island? 😂
Putting fear in the population mind. Propaganda at its finest.
With Trump at the White House, Europeans should worry more about a possible American invasion in conjunction with the Russians🙄
The reporter and the CO have the same surname.
I believe NATOs most strategic island is Great Britain.
That wasnt locals you interviewed, it was priveleged tourists who bought expensive summer homes on Gotland, now blaiming Nato and the military for making to much noise when they are trying to enjoy their gentrification 🧐🥂🍾
i think world war 3 will happen before 2035
We must stand firm with NATO. Expert documenting the "nerd reich" for the last two decades says: this is a deliberately staged coup, because "democracy is an outdated software system for human life and needs to be replaced." Elon Musk's words, at a talk he gave to shareholders. Also Musk, "I have a plan I call RAGE – Remove All Government Employees." He believes AI can do their jobs.
I don't think Americans have any idea what extreme peril we are really in. Remove Musk, the architect of this misery, and Trump's hold will crumble.
Sweden's resilience is impressive, stay strong! 💪
Billions of dollars spent in NATO just to assume WW3 will be fought in trenches.
Russian doctrine is pressing that ballistic missiles button once the WW3 is declared.
Watch the full, wide-ranging interview with Sweden’s Chief of Defense, Gen. Michael Claesson here: