Trapped in the system – China's reform schools | DW Documentary
Chinese juvenile detention centers are notoriously harsh. Young people end up there for criminal offenses or because their parents can’t cope with their rebellious children. The film follows young people in one of these institutions.
There is no way out, every step is monitored and to survive you have to be loyal to the system, not to your friends. This is no Orwellian nightmare, but the “Peach Reform School”, a Chinese juvenile detention center. The documentary, which was filmed at the school for over a year, provides deeply disturbing insights into the Chinese juvenile detention system. From the frightened 11-year-old Wenjun to the secret teenage lovers Lei-gong and Chanjuan to the rough, but ambivalent teacher Zhou Hai. The intimate access to these characters reveals victims in a system that values obedience and order over love and friendship.
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Video “Trapped in the system – China's reform schools | DW Documentary” was uploaded on 03/01/2025 by DW Documentary Youtube channel.
This is an interesting comparison to the American system of foster care and juvenile detention centers for unwanted and problem children. I have read a bit about foster care, and am pretty unfamiliar with juvenile detention. I'm curious how China's system compares to that of the US, EU, and Russia.
In a country of 1.4 billion people there’s bound to be some unthinkable things being done. Good and bad.
reeducation camp, terrible!!!!
DW: 兄弟们,又要到饭了!
Reminder: Taiwan is a democratic country.
The Chinese should pull ALL of their investments from Germany.😂
So, they killed someone and where punished 😅
That is horrible it's child abuse they're putting one against the other they're going to have no trust they have very few coping skills that is absolutely horrendous and the statistics prove it they just took a bad situation and made it so much worse
How did you manage to film this?
oh my God
Useless propanganda.
But the EU was all in on China 4 years ago. What happened? 😂 China & Russia will divide Europe. That is what their goal is ultimately.
Mein Mann hat versucht, mich mit einem Frühstück im Bett zu überraschen. Es war süß, bis er aus Versehen Sirup über das ganze Laken verschüttete. Eine brenzlige Situation, buchstäblich✨
Zu meiner Vorstellung von einem romantischen Ausflug gehört jetzt die Buchung eines Hotelzimmers mit Verdunkelungsvorhängen und einem Kingsize-Bett. Ah, der Luxus des ungestörten Schlafs🌺