Trump hosts first rally following reported assassination attempt.

Trump hosts first rally following reported assassination attempt.

In a bold display of defiance and determination, former President Donald Trump held his first campaign event since what appeared to be a second assassination attempt on his life. Trump, known for his controversial statements, did not hold back in his remarks, stating “only consequential presidents get shot at.” The event marked a resumption of Trump’s political activities, despite the potential threat to his safety.

During his speech, Trump also took the opportunity to praise Vice President Kamala Harris for reaching out to check on him following the alleged attempt on his life. This gesture of bipartisanship was unexpected given the contentious relationship between Trump and many Democrats, including Harris.

The event served as a reminder of the enduring influence and polarizing effect of the former president on American politics. Trump’s ability to draw a crowd and make headlines with his remarks continues to captivate both supporters and critics alike.

As the 2024 presidential election looms on the horizon, Trump’s return to the campaign trail raises questions about his potential political ambitions and the impact he may have on the political landscape. Despite the challenges and controversies he has faced, Trump remains a significant figure in American politics, with a dedicated following and a knack for making headlines.

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Video “Trump holds first campaign event since an apparent assassination attempt • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/18/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English