Tyla Opens Up About Her Love for South African Bacardi Dance in Billboard Cover Story #Shorts – Video

Tyla Opens Up About Her Love for South African Bacardi Dance in Billboard Cover Story #Shorts – Video

Tyla Shares How Much She Loves South African Bacardi Dance | Billboard Cover #Shorts

In the YouTube video titled Tyla Shares How Much She Loves South African Bacardi Dance | Billboard Cover #Shorts, South African artist Tyla opens up about her love for incorporating Bacardi dance into her performances. With a passion for the unique dance style, Tyla explains how she always strives to showcase it in her music videos and live shows.

The artist shares her creative process of incorporating Bacardi dance into her music, particularly for her song “Water.” Tyla reveals that they were looking for a moment for the song and decided to infuse the dance style into the music video to make it stand out. The decision paid off as she received positive responses from fans online.

Tyla further shares her dedication to bringing South African dance to a global audience, expressing her love for the art form. The video showcases Tyla’s commitment to showcasing the beauty of Bacardi dance and her willingness to push boundaries in her performances. With her infectious energy and love for the dance, Tyla continues to captivate audiences with her unique style.

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Video “Tyla Shares How Much She Loves South African Bacardi Dance | Billboard Cover #Shorts” was uploaded on 04/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard