Ukraine Prepares for Counter-Attack in Kursk Offensive as Russia Issues Warning about West’s Provocations

Ukraine Prepares for Counter-Attack in Kursk Offensive as Russia Issues Warning about West’s Provocations

Ukraine is taking precautionary measures as it braces for a potential counter-attack from Russia following an offensive in the Kursk region. New fortifications are being built along the border between the Kursk and Sumy regions in anticipation of a possible Moscow incursion.

Russian lawmaker Maria Butina has accused the West of being involved in the Ukrainian offensive, claiming that they are “poking the bear” in a dangerous escalation. However, the United States and other Western supporters of Ukraine have denied any prior knowledge of the surprise attack by Ukrainian forces.

Tensions are high as Ukraine prepares for a potential backlash from Russia, with the situation remaining unpredictable. The international community is closely watching the developments in the region as the threat of conflict looms.

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Video “Kursk offensive: Ukraine braces for counter-attack as Russia warns West is “poking the bear”” was uploaded on 08/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News