Ultimate Guide to Planning a Trip to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Video

Ultimate Guide to Planning a Trip to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Video

If you’re looking to plan a trip to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, but are feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there, look no further! This travel guide video is the perfect tool for you. From getting to Mostar to currency exchange tips, cultural norms, and budgeting advice, this video covers everything you need to know to have a successful trip to this hidden gem in the Balkan region.

The video also provides useful information on when to visit Mostar, where to stay, immigration processes, common local phrases to know, dining recommendations, and must-see attractions in the city. Additionally, the hosts share their own personal experiences and recommendations, including where to stay in Mostar’s Old Town for the best views of the city’s skyline.

Whether you’re interested in exploring Mostar’s rich history, admiring its beautiful architecture, or indulging in the delicious local cuisine, this video has got you covered. And if you need more travel inspiration, the hosts also mention their upcoming Mostar food tour video, where they will showcase the best dishes and restaurants in the area with the most magical views.

So, if you’re looking to plan a memorable trip to Mostar, be sure to watch this informative travel guide video before you go. And don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for more travel content from their upcoming adventures in Croatia, Greece, and Asia. Happy travels!

Watch the video by Sharing the Road

Mostar is one of our favorite cities that we’ve ever traveled to and is truly a Hidden Gem in the Balkan region but it can be difficult putting together all of the information you need for a successful trip so in this travel guide we’re walking you through everything you

Need to know to plan a trip to moar if you’re tring to moar chances are you’ll be arriving at the city’s West bus station this is about a 15-minute drive or 40-minute walk to mostar’s gorgeous Old Town we traveled from Split Croatia to mostar and we booked using

Flick bus when we arrived there was several taxis waiting near the bus station and we grabbed one right when we got off for us it was an 8-year-old ride right to our Airbnb and despite our driver being quite friendly we ultimately learned we were probably overcharge we had our Airbnb host

Arrange our return taxi and it was just € to get from the Oldtown to the bus station so maybe use this as a benchmark for how much to expect we’ve heard that it’s required for taxis to turn on their meter to display the running fair so be

Sure to ask them to turn on the meter when you get in the cab to avoid being overcharged like us there’s also a chance your bus will drop you off at the East bus station which is next to the train station and only a 15-minute walk

To the old town so you might be able to walk and avoid taxis all together despite several of Bosnia and herzen’s neighboring countries being on the euro the official currency here is the Bosnia Hera convertible Mark or km for short thankfully 2km is roughly 1 so

You can easily just divide the price in half to calculate how much something costs in Euros many of the shopkeepers in the old town often accept Euros as did our taxi driver so you might be able to get byy without taking out much local currency however it’s useful having some

Local currency if you plan on spending money in the old town this is particularly true as many restaurants and shops are cash only and we found plenty of places did not accept credit cards luckily there are several ATMs in the old town to stock up on cash when it

Comes to tipping it’s important to note that tipping is not an expectation in mostar but if you were impressed with the service it’s still a kind gesture to round up your bill or leave your waiter a few Marks mustar has a uniquely Blended demographic which is part of what makes this such a dynamic city here you’ll find both churches and mosques scattering the mostar skyline with historically the east side of the river having a large Muslim population where the West Side being predominantly Christian and while M’s famous staros

Bridge serves as a symbolic bridging between these two cultures there are a few cultural norms you can expect when visiting for starters you can expect to hear calls to prayer broadcast from mostar’s famous minettes at multiple times a day the singing is loud and creates a dynamic atmosphere as the

Voices bounce off the city’s walls each call to prayer lasts several minutes and the exact prayer times change each day we’ll link this website below that showcases the daily prayer times for each day in mostar additionally some men will avoid physical contact with women in public we learned this when I went in

For a handshake to thank a very kind waiter and the shake was politely refused so don’t be offended if this happens to you and could be a sign of respect in Mostar we went to mostar in mid-september arriving around September 13th in had great weather it was warm enough for people to still be jumping off the bridge but we felt the crowds were rather tame it did get a little hot at midday but we would take this over

Being cold we never ran into a problem getting a table at a restaurant and were able to score some great views for our meals summer is the main tour season so you can expect the old town to be more crowded during these Peak Travel months

But we’ve heard this is a great time to travel there as well we stayed at mostar for two nights and documented every bosi and Mark we spent in total we spent just over $200 which included our lodging for two nights eating out most meals and tickets

For Michael to climb one of the city’s amazing minates oh and an ice cream cone for Michael to keep him quiet so while it’s clearly Poss I to spend more use this as a reference if you’re trying to see mostar for a reasonable amount of Money when you’re deciding where to stay we recommend staying in mostar’s Old Town to admire the city’s architecture and Rich history we sit in this Airbnb which offers probably the best view of the skyline and had a private Terrace and an amazing view of the star most the

Host of this place was incredibly nice and we would 100% recommend this place to Future Travelers we’ll link the exact Airbnb we stayed at in the description box below seriously we wish we could live here it was so nice so we’re in our moar Airbnb right now and we wanted to

Give you a look around because we absolutely love it here we’ve been here for a couple days now and honestly we’ve decided we could definitely live here it is so nice here’s the kitchen as you can see it’s pretty spacious plenty of room for cooking and anything you might need

We’ve had a couple airbnbs on this trip where you literally can’t move your arms in the kitchen so this is plenty big for us we have a nice little dining area here too which we haven’t used too much because we’ve been sending the majority of our time in this room and obviously

You can see why the view here is absolutely amazing I honestly don’t know how any airbnbs would have a better view than this here you can see the old bridge and mostar and we’re even able to see people jumping off the bridge it’s also really pretty at night whenever all

The lights go up on the town we’ve spent so much time just sitting here enjoying the view and seeing the bustling of the town with people coming in during the morning for their day trip and leaving at night it is just dreamy but let’s move on to the rest of the air baby

Here so this is the bedroom has a nice king bed and what’s nice too is these windows are actually pretty thick if you didn’t know this in mostar there’s a lot of call to prayers that happen at specific intervals during the day one of the intervals is at 4:00 a.m. and so we

Were happy that these windows are actually thick enough that that didn’t wake us up so moving on into the bathroom there is a washer which we were really excited about and then there’s also a giant bathtub and there’s a really nice shower here with a rainfall shower head let’s move on to

The patio outside there’s a dining area out here as well and then once again the best view of the old bridge when we were on top of the bridge we could see the Airbnb front and center basically so we’re pretty sure this is one of the

Best views you get and we have two nice little high chairs for sipping some morning coffee and watching people Jump when it comes time to actually enter bosnan And heroa since this country isn’t in the shenen zone you’re going to need to go through Immigration and Customs our bus had us get on and off twice each time we passed through and the process took about 30 to 45

Minutes so be sure to keep your passport handy when entering the country while many shopkeepers in most our Old Town speak English we found many of the taxi drivers grocery store workers and other locals around town didn’t so it’s important to know a few key phrases doberan means good day CA

Cardita means credit card please is MM and where is the bathroom is De certio we found trying to learn the language was a great way to earn some good favor with the locals so keep this in mind Bia and heren is world-renowned for their delicious food scene and mostar is

A great place to try some of the country’s most iconic dishes we’ll cover the Top Foods you need to try when you visit mostar and our mostar food tour so we’ll link that below if you’re interested in seeing the best food this area has to offer and some of the

Restaurants with the most magical views so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss That as we said at the start of this video mostar is one of our favorite cities and probably one of the prettiest cities in the Balkans and there is tons to do here we have an entire video walking through the top things you need to do when you visit mostar so be sure

To check that out if you want to see the city’s key attractions and top landmarks so that’s it for our mostar travel guide be sure to give this video a like if you found it useful and consider subscribing to our channel to see our upcoming videos next up we’re heading into barnik

Croatia then off to several different locations in Greece then off to Asia so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it thanks and we’ll see you in the next one bye before you click away consider are supporting our Amazon store courney designed these packing cubes from

Scratch to make packing for days of the week super easy we have a small size which is great for summer clothes and a large size that can fit about everything under the sun your support means world with us and zeppy see you Zeppy

Video “How To Plan A Trip To Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mostar Travel Guide” was uploaded on 03/16/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Sharing the Road on Gretopia