Ultra-Orthodox Men Must Be Drafted into Military, Rules Israel’s Supreme Court

Ultra-Orthodox Men Must Be Drafted into Military, Rules Israel’s Supreme Court

In a landmark decision, Israel’s Supreme Court has ruled that ultra-Orthodox men must be drafted into the military. This ruling has sparked major controversy within the country, as the issue of military service exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox community has long been a contentious issue.

The decision could potentially create a divide within Prime Minister’s government as he has been a strong supporter of allowing exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews. However, with the Supreme Court ruling against this practice, it remains to be seen how the government will navigate this issue moving forward.

This ruling is a significant step towards promoting equality and ensuring that all citizens of Israel share the burden of military service. It also represents a push towards integrating the ultra-Orthodox community into mainstream Israeli society.

The implementation of this ruling will likely be met with resistance from the ultra-Orthodox community, who have historically been granted exemptions from military service on religious grounds. However, the Supreme Court’s decision signifies a shift towards a more inclusive and equal society in Israel.

Overall, this ruling marks a critical moment in Israel’s history, as the country seeks to address long-standing issues of equality and military service.

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Video “Israel’s Supreme Court rules ultra-Orthodox men must be drafted into military” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English